Since Psalm 23 is so rich, here is a paraphrase that makes a lot of room for the surface meaning and the symbolism.
1. The Lord is my shepherd – the one who tends to me, my keeper. I shall not want. I will lack nothing. Nothing can bring down my light or my dignity.
2. This shepherd brings me to a place where I can rest just like I’m back at home. And it is green and lush – everywhere new life sprouts around me. My shepherd makes me rest by peaceful waters – waters so quiet that they bring out the stillness from deep within me. And the way my shepherd leads is like a stream – flowing, sparkling in the sun. It is gentle, refreshing, and sure. Here I am protected and sustained. Here I thrive.
3. My soul, my life – my shepherd returns it to me in fullness. My shepherd guides me, leads me, brings me along the ways of righteousness – the paths marked out in the earth for the sake of the holy name – the honor and glory of my Lord.
4. Once more I am going through the darkest valleys – the sunken places touched by death’s shadow. I walk through low places of ruin and calamity. But I’m not afraid. I don’t fear evil, affliction, destruction, or sorrow. Your rod and your staff – your scepter and your walking stick – I see them and the breath I had held, the tension and worry, it exhales altogether. You walk with me and rule. You support and you preserve. So I am consoled and comforted.
5. And right in front of me, you arrange a table – everything set for a meal. This table of abundance you have placed directly in the sight of my enemies – those who would make an open path narrow, who would confine and afflict. And then – then you satisfy my head with an anointing of oil – perfumed in all its richness as a sign of honor. My cup is full – more than enough to slake my thirst. It is overabundance.
6. Truly I can tell you that goodness and mercy, radiance and loving kindness will chase me all the days of my life. And I will remain in the house of the Lord – I will establish myself there for the length of days – even forever.