The ancient gods blamed humanity for their own failings and problems. If humanity didn’t soothe them, they were struck down. Abusers treat their victims the same way.
Author: RevElana
What if They Move Away Without Me?
When I was a baby, I was convinced that my parents were going to leave me behind when we moved away.
Missionaries to China Trying a Different Approach: Michele Ruggieri & Matteo Ricci
16th century missionaries to China Ruggieri & Ricci learned Chinese, wore Chinese robes, and did not insist that western cultural values were a part of learning the Gospel.
If No One Spoke Up, Would You?: Solomon Asch
When everyone else answers wrong to a really obvious question, one study showed that 75% of people will go along with them at least once.
The Reformation’s African Ties: Abba Mika’el & Martin Luther
Martin Luther was thrilled to find theological connections with Abba Mika’el – a deacon from Ethiopia. They saw unity in their Christian faith looking backwards and forwards.
How Christmas is Celebrated Around the World
Find out some of the ways that Christmas is celebrated in Mexico, Malta, the Congo, and India.
Imprisoned, a Nazi Resister Reflects: Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Nazi resister Dietrich Bonhoeffer spent his final days in concentration camps, questioning how others saw hopefulness in him where he saw restlessness and weariness.
Speaking with the Spirit Whatever the Price: Anne Hutchinson
Anne Hutchinson shared the good news of the Gospel in the mid-17th century even though it was different from the dominant understanding. Ultimately, she was banished.
Making this Car Big Enough for the Two of Us
If you take a six week long road trip with someone you don’t know too well, you better figure out how to get along fast.
Holding on to Faith after Katrina
While doing post-Katrina clean-up, I saw a church sign that said “Jesus walked on water.”