Hebrews 12:1-3
“for the sake of the joy that was set before him endured the cross, disregarding its shame”
Wednesday of Holy Week ABC
April 5, 2023
“for the sake of the joy that was set before him endured the cross, disregarding its shame”
Wednesday of Holy Week ABC
April 5, 2023
“I am poor and needy – hasten to me, O God”
Wednesday of Holy Week ABC
April 5, 2023
“how often have I desired to gather your children together as a hen gathers her brood under her wings”
Wednesday of Holy Week – A Women’s Lectionary
April 5, 2023
“whoever loves a brother or sister lives in the light”
Wednesday of Holy Week – A Women’s Lectionary
April 5, 2023
“your steadfast love, O Lord, extends to the heavens”
Wednesday of Holy Week – A Women’s Lectionary
April 5, 2023
“all the trees of the field shall know that I am the Lord”
Wednesday of Holy Week – A Women’s Lectionary
April 5, 2023
“whoever loves a brother or sister lives in the light”
Wednesday of Holy Week – A Women’s Lectionary
April 13, 2022
“I was not rebellious, I did not turn backward.”
Wednesday of Holy Week ABC
April 13, 2022
“I am poor and needy – hasten to me, O God”
Wednesday of Holy Week ABC
April 13, 2022
“run with perseverance the race that is set before us”
Wednesday of Holy Week ABC
April 13, 2022