Looking for solutions where everyone gets what they need – elephants and people.
Sermon Starters
Kindness is Like a Date Palm Tree
The date palm tree produces a lot of fruit – just like kindness.
The Mother of Civil Rights in California: Mary Ellen Pleasant
Mary Ellen Pleasant was wise and kind, supported her community, and got justice every time she could for everyone she could.
Holy Words Still Shake the Threshold
Feeling the presence of God while translating Isaiah
A Faith that Prays Without Ceasing
Even from a hospital bed, we can still pray.
On to Generosity: Tom Shadyac
Asking the questions – who deserves to afford basic needs? What do I do?
Looking for What’s Right There
Where are our minds when we lose things?
Fishing with Nets is Not So Easy
Learn how the disciples fished with nets.
Liar, Liar: Suzy Eddie Izzard
How young do you think kids are when they start lying?
Trailblazing Black Woman Takes Down the Mob: Eunice Hunton Carter
Eunice Hunton Carter was savvy and brave. She had a huge impact on the course of justice in her day!