In the late 4th to early 5th centuries, there was an archbishop named John. He was such a good preacher that they nicknamed him “Chyrsostom” – “golden-tongue.” When John preached on Epiphany more than 1,500 years ago, he had quite a few questions about this star. Was it a common star or a special one? Was it really a star or did it just look like a star? How could it take such a long, winding course? How could it appear at night and in the day when the sun was shining? How could it appear, disappear when they showed up in Jerusalem to talk to Herod, and then reappear when they were closer to Bethlehem? Was this a thinking star, making strategic decisions? Did it travel and rest with the magi, the same way the pillar of cloud and fire had done with the ancient Israelites? Lastly, how on earth can a star stop over a manger and shine on just one spot?
When John thought about his questions, he concluded that whatever the magi saw, it must have just looked like a star. In essence, it must have been “some invisible power transformed.” This, too, must have been an angel, an emanation of the glory of God that swooped down from heaven to lead, to comfort, to illumine our greatest joy. The magi didn’t go looking for it. The star came to them. The glory of God can’t be restrained, after all. It bursts every bound with light and love .That star, that glory found them at home and invited them on a life-changing journey.
How do you follow a star? It’s not like using the stars to navigate a ship. No, this holy star is the sign and the path. It’s the present and the destination. It’s the words of creation, the reality of Christ with us, and the resounding unity of heaven and earth at the end of all things. It’s here now. Live in its joy and see where it takes you. Amen.