Visiting a concentration camp means feeling the suffering that calls out from the ground. It means remembering that so many Christians chose to wait passively and that we must make different choices.
Story Category: Advent
Christmas without Advent? A Bride who Won’t Stop Wearing her Dress
Trying to celebrate Christmas every day of Advent is like a bride who’s so excited about her wedding that she wears her dress every day for weeks before the ceremony.
Adam & Eve Wonder: Is the Night Endless?
In the far north, they have days of all night and all day. Maybe Adam & Eve were afraid the first time they saw the sun go down. Would it ever return?
The Impact of the Title “King of the Jews” on Herod the Great & Caesar Augustus
Only gentiles called Jesus “King of the Jews.” The Herods and the Caesars claimed many titles for themselves, but they perpetually felt their power threatened.
World War I Christmas Truce
Troops on the ground choose to share an improvised ceasefire for Christmas.
Tilling the Earth to Feed a Stranger: Walafrid
In the first thousand years of the church, monks sometimes planted gardens to share treats with visitors. Walafrid even wrote poetry about it!
Home is Where Church Is
A friend was asked what he would include in a picture related to Oscar Wilde’s quote, “Be yourself. Everyone else is taken.” He wanted to drag a mattress and sheets into his sanctuary.
What if They Move Away Without Me?
When I was a baby, I was convinced that my parents were going to leave me behind when we moved away.
How Christmas is Celebrated Around the World
Find out some of the ways that Christmas is celebrated in Mexico, Malta, the Congo, and India.
Imprisoned, a Nazi Resister Reflects: Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Nazi resister Dietrich Bonhoeffer spent his final days in concentration camps, questioning how others saw hopefulness in him where he saw restlessness and weariness.