What does it mean to see salvation as coming through the present moment rather than having happened in the past or something to look forward to in the future?
Story Category: Anecdote
The Temptation of Nostalgia
Today’s good old days are yesterday’s bad new days.
Getting through Heartache with Both/And
Are there soul mates? What do we do either way?
Do You Smell That?
Desmond Tutu’s life was a winding path of obstacles, opportunities, blessings, determination, and surprises.
Kindness During the Pandemic
Even in tragic and impossible situations, kindness is possible and it matters.
It Takes All Kinds in the Church
A funny story about a misunderstanding in Sunday School.
Vision of the Face of God
Depicting God, especially Jesus, is controversial because every choice is limiting. What if we chose everything instead of one particular thing?
A Simple Act of Kindness
Even small gestures can matter to people.
Trinity is a Mystery
Explaining the Trinity is hard – let alone in under five minutes.
Looking Up, Going Down
Once, I thought that I could go rollerblading without hurting myself.