Women had leadership roles in the early church, but then that power was taken away. Reformer John Knox railed against women’s leadership, as did men at a General Assembly meeting in America in 1811.
Story Subject: community
History of Vacation Bible School: D.T. Miles
Vacation Bible School was started by D.T. Miles in 1894!
Feeding the Hungry: Basil of Caesarea
In the 360s, Basil of Caesara, a bishop, spent his own money to buy food for the starving poor during a famine.
Tilling the Earth to Feed a Stranger: Walafrid
In the first thousand years of the church, monks sometimes planted gardens to share treats with visitors. Walafrid even wrote poetry about it!
History & Transmission of the Lord’s Prayer
Catholics took their Lord’s Prayer from one preferred by Henry the VIII in 1545; Protestants, perhaps, from Martin Bucer from 1539.
History & Transmission of the Bible
The history of translation and transmission of the Bible was complex, contentious, and sometimes violent.
How Are You Being Saved Right Now?
What does it mean to see salvation as coming through the present moment rather than having happened in the past or something to look forward to in the future?
Vision of the Face of God
Depicting God, especially Jesus, is controversial because every choice is limiting. What if we chose everything instead of one particular thing?
Christ’s Body is Lived Out in Our Bodies
A 19th century poem often falsely attributed to Teresa of Avila about being the body of Christ.
Church Can Be a Difficult Place for those with Disabilities
God loves all bodies.