Desmond Tutu’s life was a winding path of obstacles, opportunities, blessings, determination, and surprises.
Story Subject: joy
How Christmas is Celebrated Around the World
Find out some of the ways that Christmas is celebrated in Mexico, Malta, the Congo, and India.
Ground Control to Major Tom: David Bowie & Chris Hadfield
David Bowie’s song of heartbreak became the world’s first music video shot in outer space. Even a song of loneliness can be a source of connection.
Imprisoned, a Nazi Resister Reflects: Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Nazi resister Dietrich Bonhoeffer spent his final days in concentration camps, questioning how others saw hopefulness in him where he saw restlessness and weariness.
Making this Car Big Enough for the Two of Us
If you take a six week long road trip with someone you don’t know too well, you better figure out how to get along fast.
A Free Black Man Fought Slavery: William Still
William Still was born free in the 19th century. He worked to support the underground railroad and recorded the life stories of slaves. Then he met someone he never expected…
Faith Can Take You All Over the World: Mary Fisher
Mary Fisher was an illiterate, uneducated 17th century English indentured servant when she heard George Fox preach. As a dedicated Quaker, she called out her pastor, challenged students at a seminary, and risked her life to preach in America.
Pastors Don’t Really Retire
A pastor who was so excited about retiring and doing nothing ended up creating a difficulty-with-retiring support group for the presbytery.
Finding Awe through the Eyes of a Child
Going to the zoo as an adult – it’s easy to got distracted and disconnected. But, when you see the joy of a child, it can change everything. ***Otters!***
Walking with the Hebrew People through the Red Sea
Imagining what it was like walking through the Red Sea for kids and elders, the cynical and the faithful.