Anne Hutchinson shared the good news of the Gospel in the mid-17th century even though it was different from the dominant understanding. Ultimately, she was banished.
Story Subject: justice
Overcoming Division & the American Revolution
The people who fought in the American Revolution were rich and poor, black and white, men and women, and had different religions.
Religious Courage Followed by Human Fear in the American Revolution: Rev. Jacob Duché, Jr.
The first chaplain of congress was passionate about ending tyranny, but ultimately he abandoned the cause, believing that order was more important than independence.
A Minister During the American Revolution: Rev. James Caldwell
Rev. Caldwell did more than preach and baptize – he went into debt to help soldiers and civilians get food and clothes.
Resisting Nazis: The White Rose
The White Rose resisted the Nazis by calling on the conscience of Germans to stand up against persecution of Jews, violence, and injustice.
Widows Still Face and Fight Injustice
A tragic story about an Indian widow who was denied support and had to fight for her rights
There Were Some Warning Signs: The Titanic
People were overly optimistic about the Titanic so they misjudged the dangers right in front of their eyes.
Forgiving the Unforgivable: Mark Stroman & Rais Bhuiyan
Even after suffering a hate crime, Rais Bhuiyan was determined to forgive the shooter and care for his family.
Asking Why: The White Rose
Facing the horrors of the Nazi regime, members of the White Rose asked why and they acted. Asking why strengthens our faith for action.
Faith Can Take You All Over the World: Mary Fisher
Mary Fisher was an illiterate, uneducated 17th century English indentured servant when she heard George Fox preach. As a dedicated Quaker, she called out her pastor, challenged students at a seminary, and risked her life to preach in America.