Mary Fisher was an illiterate, uneducated 17th century English indentured servant when she heard George Fox preach. As a dedicated Quaker, she called out her pastor, challenged students at a seminary, and risked her life to preach in America.
Story Subject: oppression
A Free Black Man Fought Slavery: William Still
William Still was born free in the 19th century. He worked to support the underground railroad and recorded the life stories of slaves. Then he met someone he never expected…
A Minister During the American Revolution: Rev. James Caldwell
Rev. Caldwell did more than preach and baptize – he went into debt to help soldiers and civilians get food and clothes.
Imprisoned, a Nazi Resister Reflects: Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Nazi resister Dietrich Bonhoeffer spent his final days in concentration camps, questioning how others saw hopefulness in him where he saw restlessness and weariness.
The Reformation’s African Ties: Abba Mika’el & Martin Luther
Martin Luther was thrilled to find theological connections with Abba Mika’el – a deacon from Ethiopia. They saw unity in their Christian faith looking backwards and forwards.
Domestic Violence as Idolatry
The ancient gods blamed humanity for their own failings and problems. If humanity didn’t soothe them, they were struck down. Abusers treat their victims the same way.
History & Transmission of the Bible
The history of translation and transmission of the Bible was complex, contentious, and sometimes violent.
Role of Women in the History of the Church
Women had leadership roles in the early church, but then that power was taken away. Reformer John Knox railed against women’s leadership, as did men at a General Assembly meeting in America in 1811.
Tea & Cookies with Protestors: Desmond Tutu
Desmond Tutu was still trying to bring down Apartheid in the mid-eighties. The powers that be hired protestors to try to smear Tutu, but he ended up sharing a tea party with them.
A Martyr to End Slavery: Rev. Elijah Parish Lovejoy
Elijah Parish Lovejoy was a minister and journalist who felt called to fight slavery. He refused to stop speaking out, to stop writing, to give up his cause. He was murdered by a pro-slavery mob.