Some people sacrifice so much to move the needle closer to justice.
Story Subject: service
A Faith that Braves Lions: Thecla
A legend of faithfulness from the early church:
Does Physical Suffering Bring Us Closer to God?: Christina the Astonishing
Looking for the purpose of life in the body, of physical pain
Kindness During the Pandemic
Even in tragic and impossible situations, kindness is possible and it matters.
Power of Music in Protest
Singing reminds us of where we are with God and where God is with us.
Honoring and Supporting those Under Siege through Music
The president of Ukraine talks about how his people speak and live on through their music.
Desmond Tutu’s Origin Story
Desmond Tutu’s life was a winding path of obstacles, opportunities, blessings, determination, and surprises.
Christ’s Body is Lived Out in Our Bodies
A 19th century poem often falsely attributed to Teresa of Avila about being the body of Christ.
A Simple Act of Kindness
Even small gestures can matter to people.
Surprising Symbiotic Animals
Creation works together in countless ways that we often aren’t even aware of!