In the late 18th-early 19th centuries, Seraphim of Sarov fasted, prayed, and meditated for decades. He became a miracle worker, a source of peace, and a friend of bears.
Story Subject: teach
Christmas Folklore in Iceland: The Yule Lads
An Icelandic child in the Middle Ages learned about mischievous trolls who arrive as Christmas draws near. However scary things get, you know that Christ is returning and all shall be well.
Mary Magdalene is (Probably) Not Who You Think She Is
Mary Magdalene was not a fallen temptress. She witnessed the resurrection, was the apostle to the apostles, and likely continued in leadership in the early church.
It Takes All Kinds in the Church
A funny story about a misunderstanding in Sunday School.
Fighting Racism at Home, in the Press, & in Court: Ida B. Wells
Ida B. Wells fought for civil rights in the late 19th century.
Holy Words Still Shake the Threshold
Feeling the presence of God while translating Isaiah
On to Generosity: Tom Shadyac
Asking the questions – who deserves to afford basic needs? What do I do?
Looking for What’s Right There
Where are our minds when we lose things?
Can We Control the Power of our Lies?
Who can overtake a lie once it leaves their lips?
Saving Your Life with Humor: Trevor Noah
Speaking someone else’s language can make a profound difference.