Women had leadership roles in the early church, but then that power was taken away. Reformer John Knox railed against women’s leadership, as did men at a General Assembly meeting in America in 1811.
Story Subject: unexpected
History & Transmission of the Lord’s Prayer
Catholics took their Lord’s Prayer from one preferred by Henry the VIII in 1545; Protestants, perhaps, from Martin Bucer from 1539.
The Affair of the Sausages: Huldrych Zwingli
Huldrych Zwingli once scandalized Catholic authorities by eating sausages during Lent.
Jesus, Love, the Bible: Karl Barth
Theological powerhouse Karl Barth was asked to summarize his theology. He quoted: “Jesus loves me, this I know…”
History & Transmission of the Bible
The history of translation and transmission of the Bible was complex, contentious, and sometimes violent.
A Light from God is a Light to Freedom: Harriet Tubman
Harriet Tubman’s faith in her own words:
A Bell Rings and We See that God is Everywhere
Learning about God from a Hindu priest
When God Says No: Dan Bern
The enormity of the cross meets us wherever we are.
Getting through Heartache with Both/And
Are there soul mates? What do we do either way?
The Temptation of Nostalgia
Today’s good old days are yesterday’s bad new days.