The first chaplain of congress was passionate about ending tyranny, but ultimately he abandoned the cause, believing that order was more important than independence.
Story Subject: wealth
Mary Magdalene is (Probably) Not Who You Think She Is
Mary Magdalene was not a fallen temptress. She witnessed the resurrection, was the apostle to the apostles, and likely continued in leadership in the early church.
The Impact of the Title “King of the Jews” on Herod the Great & Caesar Augustus
Only gentiles called Jesus “King of the Jews.” The Herods and the Caesars claimed many titles for themselves, but they perpetually felt their power threatened.
Tea & Cookies with Protestors: Desmond Tutu
Desmond Tutu was still trying to bring down Apartheid in the mid-eighties. The powers that be hired protestors to try to smear Tutu, but he ended up sharing a tea party with them.
Feeding the Hungry: Basil of Caesarea
In the 360s, Basil of Caesara, a bishop, spent his own money to buy food for the starving poor during a famine.
History & Transmission of the Bible
The history of translation and transmission of the Bible was complex, contentious, and sometimes violent.
Missionaries to China Trying a Different Approach: Michele Ruggieri & Matteo Ricci
16th century missionaries to China Ruggieri & Ricci learned Chinese, wore Chinese robes, and did not insist that western cultural values were a part of learning the Gospel.
A Free Black Man Fought Slavery: William Still
William Still was born free in the 19th century. He worked to support the underground railroad and recorded the life stories of slaves. Then he met someone he never expected…
Faith Can Take You All Over the World: Mary Fisher
Mary Fisher was an illiterate, uneducated 17th century English indentured servant when she heard George Fox preach. As a dedicated Quaker, she called out her pastor, challenged students at a seminary, and risked her life to preach in America.
Seeing a Miracle, Guarding the Sacred: Corentin
A saint is fed by a magic fish, but when the king’s cook tries to steal it, the fish suffers.