“restore our fortunes, O Lord, like the watercourses in the Negeb”
Third Sunday of Advent B
December 17, 2023
Tag: nations
Deuteronomy 17
“so you shall purge evil from your midst”
Deuteronomy 18
“they may eat the offerings by fire that are the Lord’s portion”
Deuteronomy 19
“a homicide who might flee there and live”
Genesis 17:15-22
“o that Ishmael might live in your sight”
Second Sunday of Advent – A Women’s Lectionary
December 10, 2023
Psalm 78:1-7
“we will tell to the coming generation the glorious deeds of the Lord”
Second Sunday of Advent B- A Women’s Lectionary
December 10, 2023
Deuteronomy 15
“every seventh year you shall grant a remission of debts”
Isaiah 64:1-9
“o that you would tear open the heavens and come down”
First Sunday of Advent B
December 3, 2023
Deuteronomy 12
“burn their sacred poles with fire, and cut down the idols of their gods”
Psalm 65
“the meadows clothe themselves with flocks”
November 23, 2023