Deuteronomy 4:1-2, 6-9
Ordinary B40
1 So now, Israel,A give heedB to the statutesC and ordinancesD that I am teachingE you to observe,F
so that you may liveG to enterH and occupyI the landJ
that the Lord,K the GodL of your ancestors,M is givingN you.
2 You must neither addO anything toP what I commandQ you nor take awayR anything from it,
but keepS the commandmentsT of the Lord your God with which I am chargingU you.
6 You must observe them diligently,V for this will show your wisdomW and discernmentX toY the peoples,Z who, when they hearAA all these statutes,
will say, “SurelyBB this greatCC nationDD is a wiseEE and discerningFF people!”
7 For what other great nation has a god so nearGG to it as the Lord our God is whenever we callHH to him? 8 And what other great nation has statutes and ordinances as justII as this entire lawJJ
that I am settingKK beforeLL you today?MM
9 ButNN take care and watchOO yourselves closely, so as neither to forgetPP the thingsQQ that your eyesRR have seenSS
nor to let them slipTT from your mindUU all the days of your life;VV make them knownWW to your childrenXX and your children’s children—
Image credit: “The Exodus” by Marc Chagall, Photo by Dr. Avishai Teicher, 2012.