Genesis 17:15-22
Second Sunday of Advent – A Women’s Lectionary
15 GodA said to Abraham,B “As for SaraiC your wife,D
you shall not callE herF Sarai, but SarahG shall be her name.H 16 I will blessI her, and moreover I will giveJ you a sonK by her.
I will bless her, and she shall give rise toL nations;M kingsN of peoplesO shall comeP from her.”
17 Then Abraham fellQ on his faceR and laughed,S and said to himself,T
“Can a child be bornU to a man who is a hundredV yearsW old?X Can Sarah, who is ninetyY years old,Z bearAA a child?”
18 And Abraham said to God, “O that IshmaelBB might liveCC in your sight!”DD
19 God said, “No, butEE your wife Sarah shall bear you a son, and you shall nameFF him Isaac.GG
I will establishHH my covenantII with him as an everlastingJJ covenant for his offspringKK afterLL him.
20 As for Ishmael, I have heardMM you;NN I will bless him and make him fruitfulOO and exceedinglyPP numerous;QQ
he shall be the father ofRR twelveSS princes,TT and I will makeUU him a greatVV nation.
21 But my covenant I will establish with Isaac, whom Sarah shall bear to you at this seasonWW nextXX year.”
22 And when he had finishedYY talkingZZ with him, God went upAAA from Abraham.
Image credit: “Abraham Contemplates the Stars” from The Books of the Bible by Ephraim Moses Lilien, 1908.