Isaiah 1:10-18
Ordinary C49
10 HearI the wordII of the Lord,III
you rulersIV of Sodom!V
I “hear” = shama. This is to hear, call, consent, or consider. It implies listening intelligently, giving attention, and, because of these two factors, obedience and action are often implied.
II “word” = dabar. From dabar (to speak, declare, discuss). This is speech, a word, a matter, an affair, charge, command, message, promise, purpose, report, request. It is a word, which implies things that are spoken of in a wide sense.
III “Lord” = YHVH. From havah (to be, become) or hayah (to come to pass, become, be). This is the name of the God of Israel, the self-existent and eternal one, the tetragrammaton. This pronunciation has been lost to time so “Lord” is generally used in its place.
IV “rulers” = qatsin. 12x in OT. Perhaps from qatsah (to cut off, cut short; figuratively, to destroy). This is chief, captain, ruler, commander. It is a decisionmaker like a magistrate.
V “Sodom” = Sedom. Perhaps from sadam (to burn) OR from sadad (to plow a field) or shadad (to be violent) or from sadad (to join) or yasad (to assemble) + –m (their). This is Sodom or Sedom. It is a city near the Dead Sea. It may mean “scorch” or “burnt” as a reference to the volcanic area. It could also mean “wet fields, “demons,” “divisions,” “breasts, “or “their assembly.” See https://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Sodom.html
ListenVI to the teachingVII of our God,VIII
VI “listen” = azan. Perhaps from ozen (ear, hearing, audience, show; properly, broadness – applied to its ear in reference to its shape). Properly, this is to expand or broaden one’s ear i.e. listen intently, pay attention, heed.
VII “teaching” = torah. From yarah (to throw, shoot, be stunned; to flow as water so figuratively to instruct or teach). This is law, instruction, teaching, or statute. It can also refer to the first five books of the Bible – the Torah.
VIII “God” = Elohim.
you peopleIX of Gomorrah!X
11 What to me is the multitudeXI of your sacrifices?XII
says the Lord;
XI “people” = am. From amam (to darken, hide, associate; creating shadows by huddling together). This is people or nation. It can be used specifically for a tribe, collectively of troops or armies, or figuratively to refer to a flock of animals.
X “Gomorrah” = Amorah. 19x in OT. From amar (to bind sheaves, heap; discipline as piling on blows) OR from am (people) + yarah (describes many small iterations combining to a bigger effect like many raindrops, lots of arrows, etc.). This is the city Gomorrah in the Jordan Valley. It may mean “people of fear,” “submersion,” “tyrannical dealings,” “people who shoot arrows,” “throes,” or “sheave.” See https://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Gomorrah.html
XI “multitude” = rob. From rabab (to be or become much or many, multiply). This is any kind of abundance.
XII “sacrifices” = zebach. From zabach (to kill, slay, offer; slaughtering an animal to offer as a sacrifice). This is a slaughter – literally of an animal. So, it implies the act or the animals used in sacrifice. Further, it can mean offering.
I have had enoughXIII of burnt offeringsXIV of ramsXV
and the fatXVI of fed beasts;XVII
XIII “had enough” = saba. To be satisfied or full in a literal or figurative sense. Also, to have plenty of.
XIV “burnt offerings” = olah. From alah (to go up, climb, approach, bring; to be high or actively climb; can be literal or figurative). This is a step, stairs, or some kind of ascent. It is also used for whole burnt offerings, being the offering in which the whole things is burned and rises as smoke. Burnt offerings were the least common of the offerings: most were eaten, shared with the priest and the one bringing the offering.
XV “rams” = ayil. From the same as ul (mighty, strength, body, belly; root may mean to twist and that implies strength and power). This is strength so it is used to indicate things that are strong or powerful: political chiefs, rams, posts, trees, oaks.
XVI “fat” = cheleb. This is fat, finest, marrow. It is fat in a literal or figurative sense. It refers to the richest or best part.
XVII “fed beasts” = meri. 8x in OT. Perhaps from mara (to rebel, flap wings, whip, be filthy). This is a stall-fed cow, a fatling.
I do not delightXVIII in the bloodXIX of bullsXX
or of lambsXXI or of goats.XXII
XVIII “delight” = chaphets. Properly, this means inclined towards or bending to. Figuratively, it means to desire, delight in, or be pleased with.
XIX “blood” = dam. Perhaps from damam (to cease, be or become mute, silent, still, cut off, hold peace, be astonished, die). This is blood, bloodshed, bloodguilt, lifeblood, and death. It is used for people and animals. More often blood from a wound or the blood of the innocent. Used figuratively for violence or for wine. Closely tied to life and death.
XX “bulls” = par. Perhaps related to parar (to break, defeat, frustrate, caste off, clean, cease). This is a young bull or ox.
XXI “lambs” = kebes. Root may mean to dominate. This is a young male sheep – having just reached the age where it can butt other sheep.
XXII “goats” = attud. From athod (to be ready, prepare, destined). This is something full grown or a leader. It can also refer to a male goat or ram.
12 When you comeXXIII to appearXXIV beforeXXV me,
who askedXXVI this from your hand?XXVII
TrampleXXVIII my courtsXXIX no more!XXX
XXIII “come” = bo. This is to enter, come in, advance, fulfill, bring offerings, enter to worship, attack. It can also have a sexual connotation.
XXIV “appear” = raah. This is to see in a literal or figurative sense so stare, advise, think, view.
XXV “before” = paneh. From panah (to turn, face, appear). This is face in a literal or figurative sense. It could be face, presence, anger, respect. It can also be used of God to indicate divine favor or presence.
XXVI “asked” = baqash. This is to seek, ask, desire, or request. It can be any kind of searching. It can also mean to worship or pray – implies a striving for.
XXVII “hand” = yad. This is hand, ability, power. Hand in a literal sense, but also what one can do or the means by which one does it.
XXVIII “trample” = ramas. 19x in OT. This is to trample or tread down. It could be to work as a potter, to walk, or to be abusive.
XXIX “courts” = chatser. From chatsar (to blow a trumpet, trumpeter, to surround); from chatsotsrah (trumpet). This is an enclosure or court – a yard that is fenced in. It could also be a village or hamlet that is walled in.
XXX “more” = yasaph. This is to add, increase, continue, exceed.
13 BringingXXXI offeringsXXXII is futile;XXXIII
incenseXXXIV is an abominationXXXV to me.
XXXI “bringing” = bo. Same as “come” in v12. See note XXIII above.
XXXII “offerings” = minchah. This is a gift or an offering, particularly a sacrificial one that is generally bloodless and given spontaneously (voluntarily).
XXXIII “futile” = shav. Perhaps from the same as sho (ruin, desolation, storm; from a root that means rushing over – hence a storm and hence devastation). This is emptiness, false, worthless, deceit. It can also refer to evil, guile, idolatry, or something being in vain.
XXXIV “incense” = qetoreth. From the same as qitor (thick smoke, vapor). This is smoke, incense, the scent of the sacrifice as it burned.
XXXV “abomination” = toebah. Perhaps from ta’ab (to abhor or morally detest). This is something that instills one with moral contempt or disgust. It can mean abhorrence and is often in reference to idolatry or idols.
New moonXXXVI and SabbathXXXVII and callingXXXVIII of convocationXXXIX—
XXXVI “new moon” = chodesh. From chadash (to renew, repair). This refers to a new moon. It can also mean monthly.
XXXVII “Sabbath” = shabbat. From shabath (to rest, stop, repose, cease working; by implication, to celebrate). This is sabbath, literally meaning rest or intermission.
XXXVIII “calling” = qara. This is to call or call out – to call someone by name. Also used more broadly for calling forth.
XXXIX “convocation” = miqra. Related to “calling” in v13. From qara (see note XXXVIII above). This is a convocation, assembly, public meeting. It can refer to the place where the meeting is happening or the people meeting.
I cannot endureXL solemn assembliesXLI with iniquity.XLII
14 Your new moons and your appointed festivalsXLIII
my soulXLIV hates;XLV
XL “endure” = yakol. This is to be able, endure, overcome, prevail.
XLI “solemn assemblies” = atsarah. 11x in OT. From atsar (to restrain, rule, confine, bond; to hold back, maintain, rule, assemble). This is an assembly, particularly one that was called for a festival or for a holiday.
XLII “iniquity” = aven. Root may mean panting as one does when expending a lot of energy, especially when it comes to nothing. This is nothingness, trouble, sorrow, distress, wickedness, evil, harm, sorrow, misfortune, and mischief. It is also used specifically to refer to idols.
XLIII “appointed festivals” = moed. From yaad (to appoint, assemble or gather selves, agree). This is a meeting, assembly, fixed time. It can be used for a festival or feast. It can also refer to a meeting place.
XLIV “soul” = nephesh. Related to naphash (to refresh or be refreshed). This is soul, self, person, emotion. It is a breathing creature. Can also refer to appetites and desires.
XLV “hates” = sane. This is to hate, an enemy. It is a personal hatred and not an abstract one.
they have becomeXLVI a burdenXLVII to me;
I am wearyXLVIII of bearingXLIX them.
XLVI “become” = hayah. Related to “Lord” in v10. See note III above.
XLVII “burden” = torach. 2x in OT. From tarach (to toil, bear a load, be weary). This is a burden or trouble.
XLVIII “am weary” = laah. 19x in OT. This is to be weary or exhausted, parched, faint, or tired. It could also mean to be impatient, or have a hard time. Figuratively, this could refer to being grieved or disgusted. This is the root verb that Leah comes from.
XLIX “bearing” = nasa. This is to lift in a broad sense, literally and figuratively. So it could be to carry, take, or arise. It could also be bring forth, advance, accept.
15 When you stretch outL your hands,LI
I will hideLII my eyesLIII from you;
L “stretch out” = paras. This is to spread or stretch out, extend, break up, chop to pieces, disperse, display.
LI “hands” = kaph. From kaphaph (to bend – from a root meaning curve or bend down). This is palm of the hand or sole of the foot, footstep, grasp. Figuratively, it can also mean power.
LII “hide” = alam. This is to conceal, cover from sight in a literal or figurative sense. Could be to escape, liar, neglect, or secret thing.
LIII “eyes” = ayin. This is eye in a literal or figurative sense so eye, appearance, favor, or a fountain (the eye of the landscape).
even though you make manyLIV prayers,LV
I will not listen;LVI
your handsLVII are full ofLVIII blood.
LIV “make many” = rabah. This is increasing in any aspect whether quantity, authority, size, quality, greatness, etc.
LV “prayers” = tephillah. From palal (to judge for oneself or in an official capacity; to pray or make supplication, to entreat). This is prayer or intercession. It can also be a hymn.
LVI “listen” = shama. Same as “hear” in v10. See note I above.
LVII “hands” = yad. Same as “hand” in v12. See note XXVII above.
LVIII “are full of” = male. This is fill, satisfy, replenish, accomplish, fulfill, confirm, or consecrate. It is fill in a literal or figurative sense.
16 WashLIX yourselves; make yourselves clean;LX
removeLXI your evilLXII deedsLXIII
LIX “wash” = rachats. This is to wash, wash away – it can be complete or partial.
LX “make…clean” = zakah. 8x in OT. This is being clear or see through, so figuratively it means being innocent or blameless. It can also be clear, cleansed, justified, or pure.
LXI “remove” = sur. This is to turn aside in a literal or figurative sense – to depart, decline, rebel, remove, or withdraw.
LXII “evil” = roa. 19x in OT. Perhaps from ra’a’ (to be evil, bad, afflict; properly, to spoil – to destroy by breaking into pieces; figuratively, to cause something to be worthless; this is bad in a physical, social, or moral sense; that which displeases, to do harm or mischief, to punish or vex). This is badness, sorrow, or some other negative. It could refer to physical badness (like ugly cows in Pharoah’s dream in Genesis 41 or rotten figs in Jeremiah 24). It can also be sadness, evil deeds, or an evil heart.
LXIII “deeds” = maalal. From alal (to affect, do, practice, mock, overdo, glean, abuse, pain). This is some kind of deed, action, invention or practice whether good or bad.
from beforeLXIV my eyes;
ceaseLXV to do evil;LXVI
17 learnLXVII to do good;LXVIII
LXIV “before” = neged. From nagad (to declare, make conspicuous, stand in front, manifest, predict, explain). This is in front of, opposite to. It can refer to a counterpart or partner, one corresponding to or in the sight of.
LXV “cease” = chadal. This is properly to be flabby – it implies, to stop, fall, end, rest, leave alone, forsake, or desist. Figuratively this can be lacking or idle.
LXVI “do evil” = ra’a’. Related to “evil” in v16. See note LXII above.
LXVII “learn” = lamad. Properly, this refers to goading (using a pointed stick to guide or prod one’s flock). By implication, it means teaching or instructing.
LXVIII “do good” = yatab. This is to be good or pleasing, joyful. It can also mean doing good in an ethical sense or be beautiful, happy, successful, or right.
seekLXIX justice;LXX
rescueLXXI the oppressed;LXXII
LXIX “seek” = darash. This is seek, ask, inquire, care for. Generally it means following in pursuit or following as part of a search, which implies seeking or asking. Also used specially to mean worship.
LXX “justice” = mishpat. From shaphat (to judge, defend, pronounce judgment, condemn, govern). This is a verdict or formal sentence whether from humans or from God. It includes the act of judging as well as the place that judging takes place, the suit itself, and the penalty. Abstractly, this is justice, which includes the rights of the participants.
LXXI “rescue” = ashar. 16x in OT. To go straight, advance, proceed, direct, guide, be level, be honest, be blessed or happy.
LXXII “oppressed” = chamots. 1x in OT. From chamats (to be ruthless; person who is ruthless) OR from chamets (to be sour, grieved, harsh, dazzling, cruel, leavened). This is oppressed or one who is violent.
defendLXXIII the orphan;LXXIV
pleadLXXV for the widow.LXXVI
18 ComeLXXVII now,LXXVIII let us argue it out,LXXIX
says the Lord:
LXXIII “defend” = shaphat. Related to “justice” in v17. See note LXX above.
LXXIV “orphan” = yathom. This is a child without a father or more generally a person who is bereaved.
LXXV “plead” = rib. This is properly to toss or grapple. It is used figuratively to mean wrangling and so for arguments, complaints, or disputes. It is used in a legal setting for pleading or defending a case.
LXXVI “widow” = almanah. Related to alman (widowed); from alam (to be silent, bound). This is a widow or a house that is desolate.
LXXVII “come” = halak. This is go, come, walk. It is walk literally and figuratively and includes people and animals. It can be used figuratively for one’s moral life – how we walk according to God’s way or against it. It can also refer to the walk of life as in the course one’s life takes, the choices we make, etc.
LXXVIII “now” = na. This particle is used for requests or for urging. It can be we pray, now, I ask you, oh. This is the same “na” in “hosanna.”
LXXIX “argue…out” = yakach. This is to decide, be right, argue, or convince. It can also be to decide, convict, reason together, or reprove.
If your sinsLXXX areLXXXI like scarlet,LXXXII
will they become likeLXXXIII snow?LXXXIV
If they are redLXXXV like crimson,LXXXVI
will they become like wool?LXXXVII
LXXX “sins” = chet. From chata (to miss, sin, bear blame, to forfeit, lack). This is sin, fault, or punishment of sin.
LXXXI “are” = hayah. Same as “become” in v14. See note XLVI above.
LXXXII “scarlet” = shani. This is crimson or scarlet. It can also refer to the insect that the red dye is made from (coccus ilicis), the color of that dye, or things dyed with it (like thread).
LXXXIII “become like” = laban. 8x in OT. This is to be white or make a brick.
LXXXIV “snow” = sheleg. 19x in OT. Perhaps from shalag (to snow, to be white). This is snow or snowy.
LXXXV “are red” = adom. 10x in OT. This is to be red, ruddy, dyed scarlet, or flushed in the face.
LXXXVI “crimson” = tola. This is a worm or maggot, perhaps a crimson-grub of species coccus ilicis. It is used in the manufacture of red dye. So, this word could be crimson, purple, or something dyed in those colors. It could also refer to an oppressor.
LXXXVII “wool” = tsemer. 16x in OT. This is wool or shaggy thing.
Image credit: “Noah’s Thank-Offering” by Ester Almqvist.