Jeremiah 23:1-6
Reign of Christ C
1 WoeA to the shepherdsB who destroyC
and scatterD the sheepE of my pasture!F saysG the Lord.H
2 Therefore thus says the Lord, the GodI of Israel,J concerning the shepherds who shepherd my people:K
It is you who have scattered my flock,L and have driven them away,M and you have not attendedN to them. SoO I will attend to you for your evilP doings,Q says the Lord.
3 Then I myself will gatherR the remnantS of my flock out of all the landsT where I have driven them,
and I will bring them backU to their fold,V and they shall be fruitfulW and multiply.X
4 I will raise upY shepherds over them who will shepherd them, and they shall not fearZ any longer, or be dismayed,AA nor shall any be missing,BB says the Lord.
5 CCThe daysDD are surely coming,EE says the Lord, when I will raise up for DavidFF a righteousGG Branch,HH
and he shall reignII as kingJJ and deal wisely,KK and shall executeLL justiceMM and righteousnessNN in the land.
6 In his days JudahOO will be savedPP and Israel will liveQQ in safety.RR
And this is the nameSS by which he will be called:TT “The Lord is our righteousness.”UU
Image credit: “Magnolia Branches” by Anna Wolf, 2008.