Jeremiah 23:23-29
Ordinary C38
23 Am I a GodA near by,B saysC the Lord,D and not a God far off?E
24 WhoF can hideG in secretH places so that I cannot seeI them? says the Lord.
Do I not fillJ heavenK and earth?L says the Lord.
25 I have heardM what the prophetsN have said who prophesyO
liesP in my name,Q saying, “I have dreamed!R I have dreamed!”
26 How long? Will the heartsS of the prophets ever turn back—those who prophesy lies and who prophesy the deceitT of their own heart? 27 They planU to make my peopleV forgetW my name
by their dreamsX that they tellY one another,Z just as their ancestorsAA forgot my name for Baal.BB
28 Let the prophet who has a dream tell the dream, but let the one who has my wordCC speakDD my word faithfully.EE What has strawFF in common with wheat?GG says the Lord.
29 Is not my word like fire,HH says the Lord, and like a hammerII that breaks a rockJJ in pieces?KK
Image credit: “wheat_field_rows” by Rae Allen, 2005.