Joshua 15
1 IThe lotII for the tribeIII of the peopleIV of JudahV
I {untranslated} = hayah. This is to be or become, to happen.
II “lot” = goral. Root may mean to be rough like a stone. A lot was probably a small pebble used to determine one’s portion or what one should do (the will of a god or one’s destiny).
III “tribe” = matteh. From natah (to stretch or spread out, extend, bend). This is a staff, rod, branch, or tribe. It could be a rod for discipline or correction. It could be a scepter to indicate authority, a throwing lance, or a walking staff. Figuratively, it could also be something that supports life (like bread).
IV “people” = ben. From banah (to build or obtain children). This is son, age, child. It is son in a literal or figurative sense.
V “Judah” = Yehudah. Probably from yadah (to throw one’s hands into the air in a gesture of praise); from yad (hand). This is Judah, meaning “praised.”
according to their familiesVI reached southwardVII to the boundaryVIII of Edom,IX
VI “families” = mishpachah. From the same as shiphcah (maid, maidservant); root means to spread out. This is one’s circle of relatives – clan, family, kindred.
VII “southward” = negeb. Root may mean to be parched. The Negeb is the south country – sometimes used to refer to Egypt. This is a land that suffers from a lot of drought.
VIII “boundary” = gebul. Perhaps from gabal (to border, twist like rope). This is boundary, limit, coast, space. Properly, it is a line that is twisted, which implies a boundary and, by extension, the boundaries of a territory or other enclosed space.
IX “Edom” = Edom. From the same as adam (to be red or flushed). This is Edom or Idumaea. It means red.
to the wildernessX of ZinXI at the farthestXII south.XIII
X “wilderness” = midbar. From dabar (to speak, command, declare). This is mouth or speech. It can also be desert or wilderness. Additionally, it can be used for a pasture to which one drives cattle.
XI “Zin” = Tsin. 10x in OT. This is Zin or Tsin, which may come from a word that means to prick. It could mean “a crag” or “thorn” or “barb” or “decompilation” or “dry place” or “tradition” or “low palm tree” or “lowland.” See https://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Zin.html
XII “farthest” = qatseh. From qatsah (to cut off, cut short; figuratively, to destroy). This is end, brink, border, edge, frontier. It can refer to that which is within set boundaries.
XIII “south” = teman. From the same as yamin (right hand or side; that which is stronger or more agile; the south); {perhaps yamam (to go or choose the right, use the right hand; to be physically fit or firm)}. This is south, towards the south, wind from the south.
2 And their southXIV boundary ranXV from the endXVI of the DeadXVII Sea,XVIII
XIV “south” = negeb. Same as “southward” in v1. See note VII above.
XV “ran” = hayah. Same as {untranslated} in v1. See note I above.
XVI “end” = qatseh. Same as “farthest” in v1. See note XII above.
XVII “Dead” = melach. Perhaps from malach (properly, to pulverize, temper together, dissipate; also to season or salt). This is powder; used for salt or salt pit.
XVIII “Sea” = yam. Root may mean to roar. This is the sea, often referring to the Mediterranean. It comes from the root in the sense of the roar of crashing surf. This word is sometimes used for rivers or other sources of water. It can mean to the west or to the south.
from the bayXIX that facesXX southward;XXI 3 it goes outXXII southwardXXIII
XIX “bay” = lashon. This is tongue, talker, language, or wedge. It can also be a tongue of flame or a water cove.
XX “faces” = panah. This is to turn, regard, appear, look, prepare.
XXI “southward” = negeb. Same as “southward” in v1. See note VII above.
XXII “goes out” = yatsa. This is to go or come out, bring forth, appear. It is to go out in a literal or figurative sense.
XXIII “southward” = negeb. Same as “southward” in v1. See note VII above.
of the ascent of Akrabbim,XXIV passes alongXXV to Zin, and goes upXXVI
XXIV “ascent of Akrabbim” = Maaleh Aqrabbim. 3x in OT. From maaleh (elevation, platform, slope, cliff, priority); {from alah (to go up, ascend, be high, be a priority; to arise in a literal or figurative sense)} + aqrab (scorpion, whip); {from the same as eqer (stock, member, offshoot; figuratively, could be a descendant or someone who is transplanted like an immigrant who takes up permanent residence); from aqar (to uproot, pluck out, dig out by the roots, to hamstring; figuratively, to exterminate)}. This is Maaleh Aqrabim or ascent of Akrabbim, meaning “ascent of scorpions” or “steep of scorpions.”
XXV “passes along” = abar. This is to pass over or cross over. It is used for transitions, whether literal or figurative. It can also mean to escape, alienate, or fail. This is the root verb from which “Hebrew” is drawn.
XXVI “goes up” = alah. This is to go up, approach, ascend, be high, be a priority; to arise in a literal or figurative sense.
southXXVII of Kadesh-barnea,XXVIII along byXXIX Hezron,XXX
XXVII “south” = negeb. Same as “southward” in v1. See note VII above.
XXVIII “Kadesh-barnea” = Qadesh Barnea. 10x in OT. From Qadesh (Kadesh, a place whose name means sacred or sanctuary); {from the same as qodesh (set apart and so sacred; God is different from us and so God is holy/set apart; things we dedicate to God’s service are set apart for God and so they, too, are holy, etc.)} + perhaps a word related to Aramaic bar (open field); {related to Hebrew bar (grain, wheat; an open field); from barar (to select, purify, cleanse, test, brighten, polish)} + a word from nua (to waver in a literal or figurative sense; to tremble, quiver, totter; a fugitive). This is Kadesh-barnea or Qadesh Barnea, meaning “sacred desert of wandering” or “holy purifying staggerings” or “holy purifying wanderings.” See https://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Kadesh-barnea.html
XXIX “along by” = abar. Same as “passes along” in v3. See note XXV above.
XXX “Hezron” = Chetsron. 18x in OT. From the same as chatser (enclosure or court – a yard that is fenced in. It could also be a village or hamlet that is walled in). This is Hezron or Chetsron, a personal name and a place name. It means ”courtyard,” “enclosure,” “surrounded by a wall,” ‘cluster,” or “village.” See https://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Hezron.html
up toXXXI Addar,XXXII makes a turnXXXIII to Karka,XXXIV
XXXI “up to” = alah. Same as “goes up” in v3. See note XXVI above.
XXXII “Addar” = Addar. 2x in OT – 1x in Joshua & 1x in 1 Chronicles. From adar (wide, glorious, honorable, great, magnificent). This is Addar, a name and a city meaning “ample” or “wide open place” or “honorable” or “noble.” See https://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Addar.html
XXXIII “makes a turn” = sabab. This is turning around, going around; to surround, cast, walk, fetch. It is to revolve or border in a literal or figurative sense.
XXXIV “Karka” = Qarqa. 1x in OT. From the same as qarqa (floor or bottom – as in the bottom of the sea); perhaps from qara (to tear or cut out in a literal or figurative sense; to revile or to apply eye make up – as though they are made to look larger). This is Karka, a place meaning “floor” or “ground floor” or “ground” or “pavement.” See https://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Karka.html
4 passes along to Azmon,XXXV goes out by the WadiXXXVI of Egypt,XXXVII
XXXV “Azmon” = Atsmon. 3x in OT. From atsam (vast, numerous, strong; to close one’s eyes, to make powerful; to break bones). This is Azmon or Atsmon, meaning “strong” or “bone” or “well structured” or “strong one” or “mighty one.” See https://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Azmon.html
XXXVI “Wadi” = nachal. From nachal (to take as heritage, inherit, or distribute). This is a river or stream. It could be a wadi or arroyo – sometimes a narrow valley with no water at all, but in strong rains or when winter snow melts, it swells or floods with water.
XXXVII “Egypt” = Mitsrayim. Perhaps from matsor (besieged or fortified place, bulwark, entrenchment; something hemmed in; a siege or distress or fastness); from tsur (to confine, besiege, to cramp). This is Egypt.
and comesXXXVIII to its endXXXIX, XL at the sea. This shall be your southXLI boundary.
XXXVIII “comes” = hayah. Same as {untranslated} in v1. See note I above.
XXXIX “end” = totsaah. Related to “goes out” in v3. From yatsa (see note XXII above). This refers to the farthest border of something. So, it could be an exit or escape, spring, strength, deliverance, or source.
XL {untranslated} = gebul. Same as “boundary” in v1. See note VIII above.
XLI “south” = negeb. Same as “southward” in v1. See note VII above.
5 And the eastXLII boundary is the Dead Sea, to the mouthXLIII of the Jordan.XLIV And the boundary on the northXLV sideXLVI runs from the bay of the sea at the mouth of the Jordan;
XLII “east” = qedem. Perhaps from qadam (to come in front or be in front; to meet, anticipate, confront, receive, or rise; sometimes to meet for help). This is front, formerly, before, east, eternal, everlasting, antiquity.
XLIII “mouth” = qatseh. Same as “farthest” in v1. See note XII above.
XLIV “Jordan” = Yarden. From yarad (to go down, descend; going down in a literal or figurative sense; going to the shore or a boundary, bringing down an enemy). This is the Jordan River, meaning “descending.”
XLV “north” = tsaphon. From tsaphan (to hide, hoard, reserve; to cover over or figuratively to deny; also to lurk). This is properly hidden, dark, or gloomy. It can also be used to refer to the north.
XLVI “side” = peah. From paah (to puff, scatter, cut in pieces) OR poh (here, side). This is a side, edge, region, temple, corner.
6 and the boundary goes up to Beth-hoglahXLVII and passes along north of Beth-arabah;XLVIII and the boundary goes up to the StoneXLIX of Bohan,L
XLVII “Beth-hoglah” = Beth Choglah. Related to “people” in v1. 3x in OT – all in Joshua. From bayit (house, court, family, palace, temple); {probably from banah (see note IV above)} + akin to Choglah (Hoglah, which may mean “partridge”); {perhaps from chagal (to wobble, hop)}. This is Beth-hoglah, a place whose name means “place of partridge” or “house of the partridge.” See https://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Beth-hoglah.html
XLVIII “Beth-arabah” = Beth Haarabah. Related to “people” in v1 & “Beth-hoglah” in v6. 3x in OT – all in Joshua. From bayit (see note XLVII above) + arabah (a desert valley or plain, wilderness; a place called Arabah); {from the same as arab (desert plateau, Arabia) OR from arab (to become evening); {from ereb (evening) or from arab (to exchange, give or take on pledge, braid, intermix)}}. This is Beth-arabah, a place whose name means “place of the depression” or “house of the desert” or “house of criss-crossing.” See https://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Beth-arabah.html
XLIX “Stone” = eben. This is a stone, weight, or mason. It is part of the word “Ebenezer.”
L “Bohan” = Bohan. 2x in OT – both in Joshua. From the same as bohen (may come from a root referring to thickness; a thumb or big toe). This is Bohan, a name meaning “closing” or “thumb.”
Reuben’sLI son;LII 7 and the boundary goes up to DebirLIII
LI “Reuben’s” = Reuben. Related to “people” in v1 & “Beth-hoglah” and “Beth-arabah” in v6. From raah (to see, show, stare, think, view; to see in a literal or figurative sense) + ben (see note IV above). This is Reuben, meaning “behold a son.”
LII “son” = ben. Same as “people” in v1. See note IV above.
LIII “Debir” = Debir. Related to “wilderness” in v1. 14x in OT– 11x in Joshua & 2x in Judges & 1x in 1 Chronicles. From the same as debir (maybe a place of speaking like an oracle; the inner sanctuary of Solomon’s Temple); perhaps from dabar (see note X above). This is Debir, a name and city that means “place of the word” or “oracle.” See https://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Debir.html
from the ValleyLIV of Achor,LV and so northward,LVI turningLVII toward Gilgal,LVIII
LIV “Valley” = emeq. From amoq (to be deep in a literal or figurative sense; profound). This is Vale or valley – frequently part of place names.
LV “Achor” = Akor. 5x in OT. From akar (properly to stir water – figuratively, to trouble, harm, afflict, or worsen). This is Achor or Akor, a place whose name means “disturbance” or “troubled.”
LVI “northward” = tsaphon. Same as “north” in v5. See note XLV above.
LVII “turning” = panah. Same as “faces” in v2. See note XX above.
LVIII “Gilgal” = Gilgal. From galgal (wheel, wagon, whirl, whirlwind; something that rolls); from galal (to roll, roll away, wallow, commit, remove; rolling in a literal or figurative sense). This is Gilgal – perhaps circle of stones.
which is oppositeLIX the ascentLX of Adummim,LXI which is on the south sideLXII of the valley;LXIII
LIX “opposite” = nokach. Perhaps from the same as nekach (root may mean being straightforward; before, the front). This is in front of, before, on behalf, opposite.
LX “ascent” = maaleh. Related to “ascent of Akrabbim” and “goes up” in v3. 15x in OT. See note XXIV above.
LXI “Adummim” = Adummim. Related to “Edom” in v1. 2x in OT – both in Joshua. From the same as adam (see note IX above). This is Adummim, a place whose name means “red spots or red ones.” If “ascent” is part of its name, it could mean “the going up of the red earths.” See https://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Adummim.html
LXII “south side” = negeb. Same as “southward” in v1. See note VII above.
LXIII “valley” = nachal. Same as “Wadi” in v4. See note XXXVI above.
and the boundary passes along to the watersLXIV of En-shemesh,LXV and endsLXVI at En-rogel;LXVII
LXIV “waters” = mayim. This is water, waters, or waterway in a general sense. Figuratively, it can also mean juice, urine, or semen.
LXV “En-shemesh” = En Shemesh. 2x in OT – both in Joshua. From Ayin (Ain; a place whose name means “spring” or “fountain”); {from the same as ayin (eye, appearance; eye in a literal or figurative sense; a fountain)} + shemesh (sun or toward the east; root may mean being brilliant; figuratively, a ray or an arch). This is En-shemesh, a place whose name may mean “spring of the sun” or “fountain of the sun” or “eye of the sun.” See https://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/En-shemesh.html
LXVI “ends” = havah + totsaah. Hayah is the same as {untranslated} in v1. See note I above. Totsaah is the same as “end” in v4. See note XXXIX above.
LXVII “En-rogel” = En Rogel. Related to “En-shemesh” in v7. 4x in OT. From Ayin (see note LXV above) + ragal (to walk along, spy out, slander); {from regel (foot, endurance, or journey; a foot as the means of walking and so it implies a step or a greater journey; can euphemistically mean private parts)}. This is En-rogel, a place whose name means “fountain of a traveler” or “eye and foot” or “fuller’s fountain.” See https://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/En-rogel.html
8 then the boundary goes up by the valleyLXVIII of the son of HinnomLXIX at the southernLXX slopeLXXI
LXVIII “valley” = gay. Perhaps from the same as gevah (pride, confidence); from gevah (the back or body); from gey (the back, among); from ga’ah (to grow up, rise, triumph, be majestic). This is valley or gorge that has high walls. It is, perhaps, a narrow valley, but not a winter-torrent.
LXIX “Hinnom” = Hinnom. 13x in OT. Probably a foreign word OR from naham (lament, groan, noises of crying). This is Hinnom, a place that may mean “wailing” or “muffled groaning.” See https://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Ben-hinnom.html
LXX “southern” = negeb. Same as “southward” in v1. See note VII above.
LXXI “slope” = katheph. Root may mean to clothe. This is shoulder, side, corner.
of the JebusitesLXXII (that is, Jerusalem);LXXIII and the boundary goes up to the topLXXIV of the mountainLXXV
LXXII “Jebusites” = Yebusi. From yebus (threshing place; one of the former names of Jerusalem); from bus (to trample down, tread in a literal or figurative sense; to loathe, pollute, squirm). This is Jebusite, meaning treaders or threshers.
LXXIII “Jerusalem” = Yerushalaim. From yarah (to throw, shoot, be stunned; to flow as water so figuratively to instruct or teach) + shalam (to make amends, to be complete or sound). This is Jerusalem, dwelling of peace.
LXXIV “top” = rosh. This may come a word that means to shake. It is the head, captain, or chief. It can also be excellent or the forefront. It can be first in position or in statue or in time (i.e. the beginning).
LXXV “mountain” = har. From harar (hill or mountain). This is mountain, hill, hilly region.
that lies over againstLXXVI the valleyLXXVII of Hinnom, on the west,LXXVIII at the northernLXXIX endLXXX
LXXVI “against” = paneh. Related to “faces” in v2. From panah (see note XX above). This is face in a literal or figurative sense. It could be face, presence, anger, respect. It can also be used of God to indicate divine favor or presence.
LXXVII “valley” = gay. Same as “valley” in v8. See note LXVIII above.
LXXVIII “west” = yam. Same as “Sea” in v2. See note XVIII above.
LXXIX “northern” = tsaphon. Same as “north” in v5. See note XLV above.
LXXX “end” = qatseh. Same as “farthest” in v1. See note XII above.
of the valleyLXXXI of Rephaim;LXXXII 9 then the boundary extendsLXXXIII from the top of the mountain to the springLXXXIV of the Waters of Nephtoah,LXXXV
LXXXI “valley” = emeq. Same as “Valley” in v7. See note LIV above.
LXXXII “Rephaim” = Rapha. From raphah (to slacken in a literal or figurative sense. So, it could be to hang, be feeble, fail, drop, be helpless, relax, slink, subside, or wait) OR from rapha (properly, to repair by stitching – figuratively to heal or cure; to make whole). This is Rapha or Rephaim. It is someone who lived east of Jordan, a giant. It may mean “faded ones,” “healed ones,” or “what we’ve been healed from.” See https://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Rephaim.html
LXXXIII “extends” = taar. 7x in OT – 5x in Joshua & 2x in Isaiah. This is to extend, bend around, or mark out a line. It can also be to draw.
LXXXIV “spring” = mayan. Related to “En-shemesh” and “En-rogel” in v7. From ayin (see note LXV above). This is a spring, well, or fountain. Figuratively, this is a source of contentment.
LXXXV “Nephtoah” = Nephtoach. 2x in OT – both in Joshua. From pathach (to open wide in a literal or figurative sense; to open, draw out, let something go free, break forth, to plow, engrave, or carve). This is Nephtoah, a place whose name means “opening,” which is to say, a “spring.” See https://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Nephtoah.html
and from thereLXXXVI to the townsLXXXVII of MountLXXXVIII Ephron;LXXXIX
LXXXVI “from there” = yatsa. Same as “goes out” in v3. See note XXII above.
LXXXVII “towns” = iyr. From uwr (to awaken or wake oneself up). This can mean excitement in the sense of wakefulness or city. Properly, this is a place that is guarded. Guards kept schedules according to watches. This sense of the word would include cities as well as encampments or posts that were guarded.
LXXXVIII “Mount” = har. Same as “mountain” in v8. See note LXXV above.
LXXXIX “Ephron” = Ephron. 14x in OT. From the same as opher (stag, fawn, hart); from aphar (to throw dust, be dust); from aphar (dust as powdered, perhaps gray colored; ashes, powder, ground, dry earth, clay mud, or rubbish). This is Ephron, the name a of a person, a place, and a mountain. It may mean “fawn-like,” “place of dust,” “ore,” “malleability,” “dust man,” or “young ones.” See https://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Ephron.html
then the boundary bends aroundXC to BaalahXCI (that is, Kiriath-jearim);XCII
XC “bends around” = taar. Same as “extends” in v9. See note LXXXIII above.
XCI “Baalah” = Baalah. 5x in OT – 4x in Joshua & 1x in 1 Chronicles. From ba’alah (mistress, lady); from the same as baal (owner, master, husband); from baal (to marry, have dominion over, to master)} This is Baalah, which means “mistress” or “lady.” See https://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Baalah.html
XCII “Kiriath-jearim” = Qiryath Yearim. Related to “towns” in v9. From qiryah (city, building); {from qarah (to happen, meet, bring about)} + yaar (honeycomb) OR from qiryah (see above) + yaar (honeycomb, forest, thicket) OR from qiryah (see above) + iyr (see note LXXXVII above). This is Kiriath-jeaim, a city whose name means “city of forests” or “city of towns.”
10 and the boundary circlesXCIII west of Baalah to Mount Seir,XCIV passes along to the northern slope of Mount JearimXCV (that is, Chesalon),XCVI
XCIII “circles” = sabab. Same as “makes a turn” in v3. See note XXXIII above.
XCIV “Seir” = Seir. From the same as sear (hair, hairy, rough); {from sa’ar (to storm, scattered by a storm, blow away, rage, storm tossed; this is to toss in a literal or figurative sense)} OR from sa’iyr (goat, shaggy, devil, satyr). This is Seir, Edomite mountain region. It is the name of the people that live there and a particular Judean mountain. It may mean “the hairy guys,” “bucks,” “horrors,” “bristly,” or “riders on the storm.” See https://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Seir.html
XCV “Jearim” = Yearim. Related to “Kiriath-jearim” in v9. 1x in OT. From the same as yaar (see note XCII above) OR yaar (see note XCII above). This is Jearim, a place whose name means “forests” or “honeycombs.”
XCVI “Chesalon” = Kesalon. 1x in OT. From kasal (being or becoming stupid or foolish; properly, being fat and so figuratively silly or foolish). This is Chesalon, a place whose name means “fertile” or “goof” or “constellation observatory” or “trust” or “firm confidence.” See https://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Chesalon.html
and goes downXCVII to Beth-shemesh,XCVIII and passes along by Timnah;XCIX 11 the boundary goes out to the slope of the hill north of Ekron,C then the boundary bends around to Shikkeron,CI
XCVII “goes down” = yarad. Related to “Jordan” in v5. See note XLIV above.
XCVIII “Beth-shemesh” = Beth Shemesh. Related to “people” in v1 & “Beth-hoglah” and “Beth-arabah” and “Reuben’s” in v6 & to “En-shemesh” in v7. From bayit (see note XLVII above) + shemesh (see note LXV above). This is Beth-shemesh, the name of several places, which means “sun temple” or “house of the sun.”
XCIX “Timnah” = Timnah. 12x in OT. From manah (to weigh out, reckon, count, number, set, tell. By implication, it is allotting or providing something officially). This is Timnah, the name of several cities, meaning “territory” or “allotted portion.” See https://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Timnah.html
C “Ekron” = Eqron. Related to “ascent of Akrabbim” in v3. From the same as eqer (see note XXIV above). This is Ekron, a city whose name may mean “extermination” or “uprooting” or “emigration.” See https://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Ekron.html
CI “Shikkeron” = Shikkeron. 1x in OT. From shikkaron (drukeness, intoxication); from shakar (to be filled with drink, merry, tipsy; satiated in a positive sense or drunken in a negative sense; also figuratively influence). This is Shikkeron, a city whose name means “drunkenness.”
and passes along to Mount Baalah, and goes out to Jabneel;CII then the boundary comes to an endCIII at the sea. 12 And the west boundary is the MediterraneanCIV with its coast.CV
CII “Jabneel” = Yabneel. Related to “people” in v1 & “Beth-hoglah” and “Beth-arabah” and “Reuben’s” in v6 & “Beth-shemesh” in v10. 2x in OT. From banah (see note IV above) + El (God, a god). This is Jabneel, a city whose name means “El causes to build” or “built of God.”
CIII “end” = totsaah. Same as “end” in v4. See note XXXIX above.
CIV “Mediterranean” = yam + gadol. Literally, “great sea.” Yam is the same as “Sea” in v2. See note XVIII above. Gadol is from gadal (to grow up, become great, become wealthy – to advance. The root meaning may be to twist in the sense of the process of growing). This is great, high, bigger, noble, old, marvelous. It can also refer to someone who is powerful or distinguished.
CV “coast” = gebul. Same as “boundary” in v1. See note VIII above.
This is the boundary surroundingCVI the people of Judah according to their families.
13 But to CalebCVII son of Jephunneh,CVIII Joshua gaveCIX
CVI “surrounding” = sabib. Related to “makes a turn” in v3. From sabab (see note XXXIII above). This is a circuit or a circle. It could refer to an environment, one’s neighbors, or a circular path round about.
CVII “Caleb” = Kaleb. From the same as keleb (a dog, male prostitute; perhaps from a word meaning to yelp or attack). This is Caleb or Kaleb, meaning “dog” or “unsophisticated servant.” See https://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Caleb.html
CVIII “Jephunneh” = Yephunneh. Related to “faces” in v2 & “against” in v8. 16x in OT. From panah (see note XX above). This is Jephunneh or Yephunneh, meaning “he will be prepared” or “he will turn to” or “he will face” or “he will be beheld.” See https://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Jephunneh.html
CIX “gave” = natan. This is to give, put, set, offer. It is to give literally or figuratively.
a portionCX amongCXI the people of Judah according to the commandmentCXII of the LordCXIII
CX “portion” = cheleq. From chalaq (to be smooth in a figurative sense; can refer to the stones that were part of casting lots – hence, apportion, share, distribute; figuratively, it can also mean to flatter). This is a division, lot, inheritance, legacy, or portion. It can also refer to a smooth tongue.
CXI “among” = tavek. This is among, middle, in the midst, the center. Perhaps, properly, to sever.
CXII “commandment” = peh. This is mouth in a literal or figurative sense. So, more literally, it can be beak or jaws. More figuratively, it refers to speech, commands, or promises.
CXIII “Lord” = YHVH. Related to {untranslated} in v1. From havah (to be, become) or hayah (see note I above). This is the name of the God of Israel, the self-existent and eternal one, the tetragrammaton. This pronunciation has been lost to time so “Lord” is generally used in its place.
to Joshua,CXIV Kiriath-arba,CXV that is, HebronCXVI
CXIV “Joshua” = Yehoshua. Related to {untranslated} in v1 & “Lord” in v13. From YHVH (see note CXIII above) + yasha (to deliver, defend, help, preserve, rescue; properly, to be open, wide or free, which implies being safe. So, in a causative sense, this is to free someone). This is Joshua, Jeshua, or Yehoshua, which means “the Lord is salvation.”
CXV “Kiriath-arba” = Qiryath Arba. Related to “towns” and “Kiriath-jearim” in v9. 9x in OT. From qiryah (see note XCII above) + arba (four); {from raba (to make square or be four-sided); perhaps from raba (to lie down flat; can be to lie for mating)}. This is Kiriath-arba, meaning “city of the four” or “four-fold city.” See https://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Kiriath-arba.html
CXVI “Hebron” = Chebron. From cheber (company, society, enchantment, wide); from chabar (to unite, ally, attach, touch; to join in a literal or figurative sense; also, specially, using magic knots or spells to fascinate or connect). This is Hebron, meaning “seat of association” or “league.”
(Arba was the fatherCXVII of Anak).CXVIII 14 And Caleb drove outCXIX from there the threeCXX sons of Anak:
CXVII “father” = ab. This is father, chief, or ancestor. It is father in a literal or figurative sense.
CXVIII “Anak” = Anaq. 9x in OT– all in Deuteronomy & Joshua. From the same as Anaq (Anak, Anaq; a name meaning “neck”); from the same as anaq (necklace, ornament, chain); perhaps from anaq (to encircle like a necklace or function as a necklace; figuratively, to furnish with supplies). This is someone descended from Anak – an Anakite. It may mean “neck.”
CXIX “drove out” = yarash. This is inheriting or dispossessing. It refers to occupying or colonizing – taking territory by driving out the previous inhabitants and living there instead of them. By implication, it can mean to seize or rob, to expel, ruin, or impoverish.
CXX “three” = shalosh. This is three, fork, three times.
Sheshai,CXXI Ahiman,CXXII and Talmai,CXXIII the descendantsCXXIV of Anak.
CXXI “Sheshai” = Sheshay. 3x in OT. Perhaps from Shashay (Shashai or Shashai, meaning “whitish”); perhaps from shesh (byssus flax, a bleached fabric, white linen; figuratively, marble). This is Sheshai or Sheshay, meaning “whitish.” See https://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Sheshai.html
CXXII “Ahiman” = Achiman. 4x in OT. From the same as ach (brother, kindred, another, other, like) OR from ach (see above) + min (from, from out of, more than). This is Ahiman or Achiman, meaning “brother of a portion” or “gift” or “my brother is a gift” or “who is my brother?’ See https://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Ahiman.html
CXXIII “Talmai” = Talmay. 6x in OT. From the same as telem (furrow or ridge; root may mean to accumulate). This is Talmai or Talmay, meaning “plowman” or “ridged.”
CXXIV “descendants” = yalid. 13x in OT. From yalad (to bear, bring forth; can mean to act as midwife or to show one’s lineage). This is born, children, or otherwise referring to descendants.
15 From there he went up against the inhabitantsCXXV of Debir; now the nameCXXVI of Debir formerlyCXXVII was Kiriath-sepher.CXXVIII
CXXV “inhabitants” = yashab. This is to sit and so to remain and so to dwell. It is sitting for any reason – as a judge, in order to ambush, or just sitting quietly. Causatively, this can mean settling or marrying. This can also mean continue, endure, or establish.
CXXVI “name” = shem. May be from sum (to put, place, set). This is name, fame, renown. A name was thought to indicate something essential about a person – something about their individuality. So, this word can also mean honor, authority, or character.
CXXVII “formerly” = paneh. Same as “against” in v8. See note LXXVI above.
CXXVIII “Kiriath-sepher” = Qiryath Sepher. Related to “towns” and “Kiriath-jearim” in v9 & “Kiriath-arba” in v13. 5x in OT – 3x in Joshua & 2x in Judges. From qiryah (see note XCII above) + sepher (writing itself or something that is written like a document, book, letter, evidence, bill, scroll, or register); {from saphar (to tally or record something; to enumerate, recount, number, celebrate, or declare)}. This is Kiriath-sepher, a city whose name means “city of writing” or “city of a book” or “record city” or “scribe town.” See https://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Kiriath-sepher.html
16 And Caleb said,CXXIX “Whoever attacksCXXX Kiriath-sepher and takesCXXXI it, to him I will give my daughterCXXXII AchsahCXXXIII as wife.”CXXXIV
CXXIX “said” = amar. This is to speak, say, answer, command, promise, report.
CXXX “attacks” = nakah. This is to hit whether lightly or severely. It can be used in a literal or figurative sense. So, this could be beat, punish, give wounds, kill, or slaughter.
CXXXI “takes” = lakad. This is to capture, seize, or imprison. It is to catch something in a snare or net or trap. It can also mean to occupy of select something by casting lots.
CXXXII “daughter” = bat. Related to “people” in v1 & “Beth-hoglah” and “Beth-arabah” and “Reuben’s” in v6 & “Beth-shemesh” in v10 & “Jabneel” in v11. From ben (see note IV above). This is daughter in a literal or figurative sense.
CXXXIII “Achsah” = Aksah. 5x in OT. From the same as ekes (fetter, anklet, bangle); from akas (to rattle, tinkle, tie, wear an anklet). This is Achsah, a name meaning “anklet.”
CXXXIV “wife” = ishshah. From ish (man); perhaps from enosh (human, humankind, mortal); from anash (to be weak, sick, or frail). This is woman, wife, or female.
17 OthnielCXXXV son of Kenaz,CXXXVI the brotherCXXXVII of Caleb, took it, and he gave him his daughter Achsah as wife.
CXXXV “Othniel” = Othniel. Related to “Jabneel” in v11. 7x in OT. From Othni (Othni – a name that may come from a word meaning to force; the name may mean “forcible”); {from atham (to glow, burn, get dark; figuratively, be desolated)} + El (see note CII above). This is Othniel, a name that means “hero in Israel” or “force of God” or “lion of El.” See https://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Othniel.html
CXXXVI “Kenaz” = Qenaz. 11x in OT. Perhaps from qanaz (to hunt, set a trap). This is Kenaz. It may mean “hunting” or “hunter.”
CXXXVII “brother” = ach. Related to “Ahiman” in v14. See note CXXII above.
18 CXXXVIIIWhen she cameCXXXIX to him, she urgedCXL him to askCXLI her father for a field.CXLII
CXXXVIII {untranslated} = hayah. Same as {untranslated} in v1. See note I above.
CXXXIX “came” = bo. This is to enter, come in, advance, fulfill, bring offerings, enter to worship, attack. It can also have a sexual connotation.
CXL “urged” = suth. 18x in OT. Perhaps from shayith (a thorn-bush or thorn; some kind of wild growth); perhaps from shith (to place, set, bring, appoint, consider, bring, array or look). This is to incite, induce, persuade, provoke, mislead, remove. It could be from the root in the sense of being pricked or agitated. It can imply being seduced.
CXLI “ask” = shaal. This is to ask, inquire, beg, borrow, desire, request. It can also mean to demand.
CXLII “field” = sadeh. From the same as shadday (almighty, field, land); from shadad (to devastate, ruin, destroy, oppress, be powerful). Or, it may be from a word that means to spread out. This is field, ground, soil, or land. It can be used to mean wild as in a wild animal.
As she dismountedCXLIII from her donkey,CXLIV Caleb said to her, “What do you wish?”
19 She said to him, “Give me a present;CXLV since you have setCXLVI me in the landCXLVII of the Negeb,CXLVIII give me springsCXLIX of water as well.”
CXLIII “dismounted” = tsanach. 3x in OT – 1x in Joshua & 2x in Judges. This is to go down, fasten, drive down.
CXLIV “donkey” = chamor. From chamar (to be red, blush). This is a male donkey.
CXLV “present” = barakah. From barak (to kneel, bless; blessing God as part of worship and adoration; blessing humans to help them; can be used as a euphemism to say curse God). This is blessing, which implies prosperity or peace.
CXLVI “set” = natan. Same as “gave” in v13. See note CIX above.
CXLVII “land” = erets. Root may mean to be firm. This is earth, ground, field land, or country.
CXLVIII “Negeb” = Negeb. Same as “southward” in v1. See note VII above.
CXLIX “springs” = gullah. Related to “Gilgal” in v7. 15x in OT. From galal (see note LVIII above). This is something round like a basin, bowl, fountain, or globe. It is also the name of a place called Gulloth.
So Caleb gave her the upperCL springsCLI and the lowerCLII springs.CLIII
CL “upper” = illi. Related to “ascent of Akrabbim” and “goes up” in v3 & “ascent” in v7. 2x in OT. From alah (see note XXIV above). This is high or upper.
CLI “springs” = gulah. Same as “springs” in v19. See note CXLIX above.
CLII “lower” = tachti. 19x in OT. From tachat (underneath, below, the bottom, instead of). This is beneath, the depths, foot of a mountain, a pit, the womb.
CLIII “springs” = gullah. Same as “springs” in v19. See note CXLIX above.
20 This is the inheritanceCLIV of the tribe of the people of Judah according to their families. 21 The towns belonging to the tribe of the people of Judah in the extremeCLV south,CLVI toward the boundary of Edom, were Kabzeel,CLVII
CLIV “inheritance” = nachalah. Related to “Wadi” in v4. Related to nachal (see note XXXVI above). This is properly something that was inherited. It can mean occupancy generally or, more particularly, an heirloom or an estate. This can be an inheritance, gift, possession, or portion.
CLV “extreme” = qatseh. Same as “farthest” in v1. See note XII above.
CLVI “south” = negeb. Same as “southward” in v1. See note VII above.
CLVII “Kabzeel” = Qabtseel. Related to “Jabneel” in v11 & “Othniel” in v17. 3x in OT. From qabats (to collect, assemble, heap, grasp, gather) + El (see note CII above). This is Kabzeel, a city whose name means “God gathers” or “God has gathered” or “God will assemble together” or “God’s gathering.” See https://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Kabzeel.html
Eder,CLVIII Jagur,CLIX 22 Kinah,CLX Dimonah, Adadah,CLXI
CLVIII “Eder” = Eder. 3x in OT. From the same as eder (arrangement – of animals, a flock or herd); {from adar (fail, missing) or adar (to dig, help, keep rank; properly, to muster troops as for battle; to miss or lack since you can see who is missing following muster; to arrange like a vineyard and so to hoe)}. This is Eder, which means “flock.” See https://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Eder.html
CLIX “Jagur” = Yagur. 1x in OT. From gur (properly, the act of turning off the road for any reason; sojourning, becoming a guest; can mean being fearful since one is outside of home territory; also dwelling, living, or inhabiting if one has turned off the root to encamp for a longer duration) OR from garar (to drag or drag off in a rough fashion, chew, sweep, destroy; to chew the cud). This is Jagur, a city whose name means “a lodging place” or “fearing” or “quarreling.” See https://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Jagur.html
CLX “Kinah” = Qinah. 1x in OT. From the same as qayin (spear); {from qun (to chant a lament, to play a musical note)} OR from qinah (lament or elegy; an act of mourning or a dirge played on instruments); {from qayin (see above)}. This is Kinah.
CLXI “Adadah” = Adadah. 1x in OT. From yaad (to appoint, assemble or gather selves, agree) OR from edah (congregation, assembly, or company; a family, crowd, or fixture); {from yaad (see above)} OR from adah (adorning oneself with ornaments, decorate) OR from adah (to pass on, advance, decorate oneself). This is Adadah, a city whose name may mean “Festival” or “holiday” or “ornament of ornaments.” See https://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Adadah.html
23 Kedesh,CLXII Hazor,CLXIII Ithnan,CLXIV
CLXII “Kedesh” = Qedesh. Related to “Kadesh-barnea” in v3. 12x in OT. From the same as qodesh (see note XXVIII above). This is Kedesh or Qedesh, meaning “sanctuary” or “sanctum.”
CLXIII “Hazor” = Chatsor. 18x in OT. From the same as chatser (village, settlement); from chatser (see note XXX above). This is Hazor, Chatsor – meaning “village.”
CLXIV “Ithnan” = Yithnan. 1x in OT. From the same as ethan (root might mean to continue; mighty, strong, ever-flowing, enduring, or permanence) OR from tannin (may stem from a root meaning elongate; some kind of monster of land or sea like a jackal or a sea serpent); {from the same as tan (jackal, dragon, whale)}. This is Ithnan, a city whose name means “extensive” or “perennial” or “ever-flowing” or “stable” or “firm.” See https://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Ithnan.html
24 Ziph,CLXV Telem,CLXVI Bealoth,CLXVII
CLXV “Ziph” = Ziph. 10x in OT. Perhaps from the same as zepheth (to liquify, asphalt). This is Ziph, a name and place name, which means “flowing” or “pitch” or “refining place” or “borrowed.” See https://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Ziph.html
CLXVI “Telem” = Telem. 2x in OT. May come from a word that means to break into parts or to act violently towards. It is a name and a city called Telem whose name means “oppression.”
CLXVII “Bealoth” = Bealoth. Related to “ascent of Akrabbim” and “goes up” in v3 & “ascent” in v7 & “illi” in v19. 2x in OT. From ba’alah (see note XCI above). This is Bealoth, a city whose name means “in Aloth” or “mistresses.”
25 Hazor-hadattah,CLXVIII Kerioth-hezronCLXIX (that is, Hazor), 26 Amam,CLXX
CLXVIII “Hazor-hadattah” = Chatsor Chadattah. Related to “Hazor” in v23. 1x in OT. From Chatsor (see note CLXIII above) + chadash (something fresh or new); {from chadash (to renew, retore, repair, rebuild)} OR from Chatsor (see above) + chud (to tie a knot, offer a riddle). This is Hazor-hadattah, a city whose name means “town of the riddle” or “new town” or “New Hazor.” See https://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Hazor-hadattah.html
CLXIX “Kerioth-hezron” = Qeriyyoth + Chetsron. Qeriyyoth is related to “towns” and “Kiriath-jearim” in v9 & “Kiriath-arba” in v13 & “Kiriath-sepher” in v15. 4x in OT. From qiryah (see note XCII above). Chetsron is the same as “Hezron” in v3. See note XXX above.
CLXX “Amam” = Amam. 1x in OT. From the same as em (mother as binding a family together or a breeding female animal; mother in a literal or figurative sense) OR from amam (to darken, hide, associate; creating shadows by huddling together). This is Amam, a place whose name may mean “gathering spot” or “gathering place” or “people.” See https://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Amam.html
Shema,CLXXI Moladah,CLXXII 27 Hazar-gaddah,CLXXIII
CLXXI “Shema” = Shema. 1x in OT. From shema (something that is heart like a report, speech, fame, rumor, or fame); from shama (hear, call, consent, or consider; implies listening intelligently, giving attention; obedience and action are often implied). This is Shema, a city whose name means “sound” or “report” or “rumor” or “hearing” or “fame.” See https://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Shema.html
CLXXII “Moladah” = Moladah. Related to “descendants” in v14. 4x in OT. From yalad (see note CXXIV above). This is Moladah, a city whose name means “birth” or “birthplace” or “origin.” See https://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Moladah.html
CLXXIII “Hazar-gaddah” = Chatsar Gaddah. Related to “Hazor” in v23 & “Hazor-hadattah” in v25. 1x in OT. From chatser (see note XXX above) + Gad (Gad, “fortune” or “fortunate”); {perhaps from gad (fortune, troop; Gad, the name of a god of Babylon); from gad (fortunate, a troop); from gud (to invade, overcome, attack)} OR from chatser (see note XXX above) + gad (see above) OR from chatser (see note XXX above) + gadad (to cut, gather, assemble, crowd; also, to gash as pushing in). This is Hazar-gaddah, a place whose name means “village of Fortune” or “rift town” or “village of good fortune.” See https://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Hazar-gaddah.html
Heshmon,CLXXIV Beth-pelet,CLXXV 28 Hazar-shual,CLXXVI
CLXXIV “Heshmon” = Cheshmon. 1x in OT. From the same as chashman (ambassador, envoy prince; may come from a word that refers to vast resources or wealth). This is Heshmon, a city whose name means “opulent.”
CLXXV “Beth-pelet” = Beth Palet. Related to “people” in v1 & “Beth-hoglah” and “Beth-arabah” and “Reuben’s” in v6 & “Beth-shemesh” in v10 & “Jabneel” in v11 & “daughter” in v16. 2x in OT. From bayit (see note XLVII above) + paliyt (escaped, i.e. one who has gotten away such as a fugitive or refugee); {from palat (to escape, slip out, deliver, calve)}. This is Beth-pelet, a city whose name means “place of escape” or “house of escape” or “house of deliverance.” See https://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Beth-pelet.html
CLXXVI “Hazar-shual” = Chatsar Shual. Related to “Hazor” in v23 & “Hazor-hadattah” in v25 & “Hazar-gaddah” in v27. 4x in OT. From chatser (see note XXX above) + shual (a fox or jackal; an animal that spends its time in ruins or wastelands and eats carrion); {may be from the same as sho’al (to hollow, the palm, a handful)}. This is Hazar-shual, a place whose name means “village of the fox.”
Beer-sheba,CLXXVII Biziothiah,CLXXVIII 29 Baalah, Iim,CLXXIX Ezem,CLXXX
CLXXVII “Beer-sheba” = Beerah Shaba. From beer (a well or pit); {from baar (to make plain; to dig; can also mean to engrave or figuratively to explain)} + perhaps from shaba (to swear, curse, vow, make a covenant; properly, to be complete; this is to seven oneself – as in affirming something so strongly it is as though it were said seven times) {perhaps from sheba (seven – the number of perfection/sacred fullness)}. This is Beersheba – meaning either “well of seven” or “well of an oath.”
CLXXVIII “Biziothiah” = Bizyothyah. Related to {untranslated} in v1 & “Lord” and “Joshua” in v13. 1x in OT. From bazah (to despise, hold in contempt, disesteem, or a person who is vile) + Yah (the shortened form of the name of the God of Israel; God, Lord); {from YHVH (see note CXIII above)}. This is Biziothiah, a city whose name means “contempts of the Lord.”
CLXXIX “Iim” = Iyyim. 2x in OT Perhaps from iy (a ruin or a heap as a place that was overturned); from avah (to bend, twist, be amiss). This is Iyim or Iim, a place whose name means “ruins.”
CLXXX “Ezem” = Etsem. Related to “Azmon” in v4. 3x in OT – 2x in Joshua & 1x in 1 Chronicles. From etsem (self, life, strength, bone, or substance); from atsam (see note XXXV above). This is Ezem, a place whose name may mean “bone” or “supporting” or “strength.” See https://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Ezem.html
30 Eltolad,CLXXXI Chesil,CLXXXII Hormah,CLXXXIII
CLXXXI “Eltolad” = Eltolad. Related to “Jabneel” in v11 & “Othniel” in v17 & “Kabzeel” in v21 & to “descendants” in v14 & “Moladah” in v26. 2x in OT – both in Joshua. From El (see note CII above) + toledoth (generations descent, family, history); {from yalad (see note CXXIV above)}. This is Eltolad, a city whose name means “God is generator” or “God of the generation” or “kindred of God.” See https://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Eltolad.html
CLXXXII “Chesil” = Kesil. Related to “Chesalon” in v10. 1x in OT. From kesil (someone who is stupid, silly, or foolish); from kasal (see note XCVI above). This is Chesil, a place whose name means “Orion” or “constellations” or “fool.” See https://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Chesil.html
CLXXXIII “Horman” = Chormah. 9x in OT. From charam (to ban, destroy, devote, seclude; to dedicate to a religious purpose, often for destruction). This is Hormah or Chormah, meaning “asylum” or “devoted” or “dedicated” or “devoted to destruction” or “anathema.” See https://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Hormah.html
31 Ziklag,CLXXXIV Madmannah,CLXXXV Sansannah,CLXXXVI
CLXXXIV “Ziklag” = Tsiqelag. 15x in OT. Perhaps from tsuq (“to smelt copper”) + log (pint). This is Ziklag, a city whose name may mean “a pint of liquid metal,” “winding,” or “outflowing of a fountain.” See https://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Ziklag.html
CLXXXV “Madmannah” = Madmannah. 2x in OT – 1x in Joshua & 1x in 1 Chronicles. From madmenah (dung, dung pit); from the same as domen (dung, manure). This is Madmannah, a city and a name that may mean “dunghill” or “manure pit.” See https://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Madmannah.html
CLXXXVI “Sansannah” = Sansannah. 1x in OT. Perhaps from sansin (may come from a word that refers to being pointed; a twig, bough, fruit stalk – particularly of a date). This is Sansannah, a city whose name means “bough.”
32 Lebaoth,CLXXXVII Shilhim,CLXXXVIII Ain,CLXXXIX and Rimmon:CXC
CLXXXVII “Lebaoth” = Lebaoth. 1x in OT. From the same as labi (lion, lionness); from labiy (old, stout, to roar; a lion that is young or female). This is Lebaoth, which means “lionesses.”
CLXXXVIII “Shilhim” = Shilchim. 1x in OT. From shelach (a weapon, spear, defense, plant, shoot, branch, missile); from shalach (to send, send for, forsake, give a slave freedom). This is Shilhim, a city whose name means “javelins” or “sprouts” or “missiles” or “armed men.” See https://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Shilhim.html
CLXXXIX “Ain” = Ayin. Related to “En-shemesh” and “En-rogel” in v7 & “spring” in v9. 5x in OT. See note LXV above.
CXC “Rimmon” = Rimmon. 17x in OT. From the same as rimmon (a pomegranate or a decoration in that shape; can also refer to the pomegranate tree); perhaps from rum (to rise in a literal or figurative sense; to get up or exalt). This is Rimmon, the name of a god in Syria who is called Baal and who is called Ramanu in Assyria. It is also the name of some cities. It may mean “pomegranate” or “apex” or “harvest ready” or “mature mind.” See https://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Rimmon.html & https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rimmon
in all,CXCI twentyCXCII-nineCXCIII towns, with their villages.CXCIV
CXCI “all” = kol. From kalal (to complete). This is all or every.
CXCII “twenty” = esrim. From the same as eser (ten, tenth). This is twenty or twentieth.
CXCIII “nine” = tesha. Perhaps from sha’ah (to gaze at, gaze around, regard – to look to, especially for help; to consider or be compassionate; to look at in amazement or while confounded). This is nine, perhaps as looking to the next number associated with fullness (10).
CXCIV “villages” = chatser. Related to “Hazor” in v23 & “Hazor-hadattah” in v25 & “Hazar-gaddah” in v27 & “Hazar-shual” in v28. See note XXX above.
33 And in the lowland,CXCV Eshtaol,CXCVI Zorah,CXCVII Ashnah,CXCVIII
CXCV “lowland” = shephelah. From shaphel (to be low, sink, be cast down, put down, humble, or humiliate). This is Shephelah, the name of a place. It means “lowland.”
CXCVI “Eshtaol” = Eshtaol. Related to “ask” in v18. 7x in OT. Probably from shaal (see note CXLI above). This is Eshtaol, a place whose name means “to found” or “establish” or “entreaty.”
CXCVII “Zorah” = Tsorah. 10x in OT. From tsirah (hornet, wasp); from the same as tsaraat (leprosy or a mark); from tsara (to have leprosy, be a leper). This is Zorah, Zareah, or Zoreah. A city whose name means “leprous” or “hornet” or “nest of hornets.” See https://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Zorah.html
CXCVIII “Ashnah” = Ashnah. 2x in OT – both in this passage. Probably related to Yeshanah (Jeshanah – a city); from yashan (old or something old); from yashen (to be languid or go slack; it can mean to sleep, become old or stale, or die). This is Ashnah.
34 Zanoah,CXCIX En-gannim,CC Tappuah,CCI Enam,CCII
CXCIX “Zanoah” = Zanoach. 5x in OT. From zanach (to cast aside, reject, remove, forsake) OR from zanach (to stink). This is Zanoah, the name of two places meaning “rejected” or “stinking.” See https://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Zanoah.html
CC “En-gannim” = En Gannim. Related to “En-shemesh” and “En-rogel” in v7 & “spring” in v9 & “Ain” in v32. 3x in OT – 3x in Joshua. From Ayin (see note LXV above) + gan (garden that is fenced in; an enclosure); {from ganan (to put a hedge around – generally, protect or defend; to cover or surround)}. This is En-gannim, the name of two places, which may mean “spring of a garden” or “fountain of gardens” or “fountained gardens” or “garden with fountains.” See https://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/EnGannim.html
CCI “Tappuah” = Tappuach. 6x in OT – 5x in Joshua & 1x in 1 Chronicles– 5x in Joshua & 1x in 1 Chronicles. From the same as tappuach (apple, apple tree; perhaps also quine and other fruits); from naphach (to breathe, puff, inflate, scatter, light on fire, make something lose its life). This is Tappuah, a city whose name may mean apple.
CCII “Enam” = Eynayim. Related to “En-shemesh” and “En-rogel” in v7 & “spring” in v9 & “Ain” in v32 & “En-gannim” in v34. 2x in OT. From ayin (see note LXV above). This is Enaim, a place name that means “two springs.”
35 Jarmuth,CCIII Adullam,CCIV Socoh,CCV Azekah,CCVI
CCIII “Jarmuth” = Yarmuth. Related to “Rimmon” in v32. 7x in OT– 6x in Joshua & 1x in Nehemiah. Perhaps from rum (see note CXC above). This is Jarmuth, a city whose name means “elevation,” heights” or “high.” See https://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Jarmuth.html
CCIV “Adullam” = Adullam. 8x in OT. Perhaps from the same as Adlay (Adlay, a person); {from adal (to flee, to be just) + am (people or nation; a tribe, troops or armies, or figuratively to refer to a flock of animals); {from amam (to darken, hide, associate; creating shadows by huddling together)}}. This is Adullam, a city name meaning “the justice of the people,” “retreat,” or “refuge.” See https://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Adullam.html
CCV “Socoh” = Sokoh. 8x in OT. From the same as sok (lair, thicket, den, or hiding place; a den or pavilion as made of intertwined boughs); from suk (to make a hedge, entwine; to enclose in order to hold back or protect). This is Socoh or Soco, a place whose name means “hedge”, “thicket,” “thorn,” or “fence.” See https://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Socoh.html
CCVI “Azekah” = Azeqah. 7x in OT. From azaq (to dig around, to put a fence around). This is Azekah, a place whose name means “tilled.”
36 Shaaraim,CCVII Adithaim,CCVIII Gederah,CCIX
CCVII “Shaarim” = Shaarayim. 3x in OT. From the same as shaar (a gate, door, or other opening like a port); perhaps from shaar (to calculate or reckon; may come from a root that means to open up or split). This is Shaarim, the name of two cities, which may mean “double gates” or “hairs” or “horros” or “goats” or “barleys” or “storms” or “measures” or “goats.” See https://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Shaaraim.html
CCVIII “Adithaim” = Adithayim. Related to “Adaddah” in v22. 1x in OT. From adah (see note CLXI above) OR from ad (booty, prey); {from adah (see note CLXI above)}. This is Adithaim, a city whose name means “double prey” or double ornaments” or “twofold ornament.” See https://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Adithaim.html
CCIX “Gederah” = Gederah. 2x in OT. From gederah (a wall, hedge, or enclosure; often used for a sheepfold); from gadar (to build a wall or wall off, mason, repair, hedge, enclose; to wall in or wall around). This is Gederah, a city whose name means “wall” or “hedges” or “sheepfold.” See https://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Gederah.html
Gederothaim:CCX fourteenCCXI towns with their villages.
37 Zenan,CCXII Hadashah,CCXIII
CCX “Gederothaim” = Gederothayim. Related to “Gederah” in v36. 1x in OT. From gederah (see note CCIX above). This is Gederothaim, a place whose name may mean “double wall” or “two walled enclosures” or “double set of blockades” or “two sheepfolds” or “two fortified places.” See https://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Gederothaim.html
CCXI “fourteen” = arba + asar. Arba is related to “Kiriath-arba” in v13. See note CXV above. Asar is related to “twenty” in v32. From the same as eser (see note CXCII above). This is -teen or -teenth.
CCXII “Zenan” = Tsenan. 1x in OT. From the same as tson (a flock of sheep and goats). This is Zenan, a place whose name means “place of flocks.” See https://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Zenan.html
CCXIII “Hadashah” = Chadashah. Related to “Hazor-hadattah” in v25. 1x in OT. From chadash (see note CLXVIII above). This is Hadashah, a city whose name means “new.”
Migdal-gad,CCXIV 38 Dilan,CCXV Mizpeh,CCXVI Jokthe-el,CCXVII
CCXIV “Midgal-gad” = Migdal-gad. Related to “Mediterranean” in v12 & to “Hazar-gaddah” in v27. 1x in OT. From migdal (a tower, podium, bed of flowers); {from gadal (see note CIV above)} + Gad (see note CLXXIII above) OR from migdal (see above) + gadad (see note CLXXIII above). This is Migdal-gad, a city whose name may mean “tower of Gad” or “tower of fortune” or “place of fierce exposure.” See https://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Migdal-gad.html
CCXV “Dilan” = Dilan. 1x in OT. Perhaps from dalal (to be low, hang, fade, be emptied, become poor, be oppressed). This is Dilan.
CCXVI “Mizpeh” = Mitspeh. 10x in OT. From mitspeh (watchtower – particularly one for military use); from tsaphah (to look out, look around, spy watchman, sentinel; leaning out to look far away; to await or observe). This is Mizpah or Mizpeh, a place meaning “watchtower.”
CCXVII “Jokthe-el” = Yoqtheel. Related to “Jabneel” in v11 & “Othniel” in v17 & “Kabzeel” in v21 & “Eltolad” in v30. 2x in OT – 1x in Joshua & 1x in 2 Kings. Perhaps from the same as Yaqeh (Jakeh, a personal name, which may mean “pious” or “obedient”); {from yaqa (to obey, be pious)} + El (see note CII above). This is Joktheel, a place name that means “veneration of God.”
39 Lachish,CCXVIII Bozkath,CCXIX Eglon,CCXX
CCXVIII “Lachish” = Lakish. This is Lachish or Lakish. It is a city whose name meaning is unclear.
CCXIX “Bozkath” = Botsqath. 2x in OT – 1x in Joshua & 1x in 2 Kings. From the same as batseq (to swell, blister). This is Bozkath, a city whose name means “a swell of ground.”
CCXX “Eglon” = Eglown. 13x in OT– 8x in Joshua & 5x in Judges. From egel (male calf as one that frisks about; often one that is almost grown up); may be from the same as agol (round, circular – root meaning revolve). This is Eglon, a name and a city that means “circular” or “calf” or “heifer-like.” See https://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Eglon.html
40 Cabbon,CCXXI Lahmam,CCXXII Chitlish,CCXXIII
CCXXI “Cabbon” = Kabbon. 1x in OT. Perhaps from kaban (to roll up, round up) OR from a word that means to heap up. This is Cabbon, a city whose name may mean “hilly” or “bound” or “surround” or “troop” or “cake.”
CCXXII “Lahmam” = Lachmam. 1x in OT. From lechem (bread, food, loaf; food for people or for animals); from lacham (to eat, feed on; figuratively, to battle as a kind of consumption/destruction). This is Lachmam, a place whose name means “food-like.”
CCXXIII “Chitlish” = Kithlish. Related to “wife” in v16. 1x in OT. From the same as kothel (may come from a word that means to compact; a wall) OR from kothel (see above) + ish (see note CXXXIV above). This is Chitlish, a place whose name may mean “wall of a man.”
41 Gederoth,CCXXIV Beth-dagon,CCXXV Naamah,CCXXVI
CCXXIV “Gederoth” = Gederoth. Related to “Gederah” and “Gedorathaim” in v36. 2x in OT – 1x in Joshua & 1x in 2 Chronicles. From gederah (see note CCIX above). This is Gederoth, a place whose name means “walls” or “sheepfolds” or “fortifications. See https://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Gederoth.html
CCXXV “Beth-dagon” = Beth-dagon. Related to “people” in v1 & “Beth-hoglah” and “Beth-arabah” and “Reuben’s” in v6 & “Beth-shemesh” in v10 & “Jabneel” in v11 & “daughter” in v16 & “Beth-pelet” in v27. 2x in OT – both in Joshua. From bayit (see note XLVII above) + Dagon (Dagon, a Philistine god; perhaps associated with fish, abundance, or astrology); {from dag (fish, fishing); perhaps from da’ag (to fear, be worried, sorrow, be concerned, be anxious, be sorry) or from dagah (to multiply, move quickly, breed greatly, grow) or from dagan (grain); {from dagah (see above)}}. This is Beth-dagon, the name of two places, which means “house of Dagon” or “house of natural abundance” or “cultivation of natural abundance.” See https://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Dagon.html & https://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Beth-dagon.html
CCXXVI “Naamah” = Naamah. 5x in OT. From Na’am (Naam, meaning “pleasure”); from naem (to be pleasant, beautiful, sweet, or agreeable in a literal or figurative sense). This is Naamah, meaning “pleasantness.” It is a personal name and also the name of a place.
and Makkedah:CCXXVII sixteenCCXXVIII towns with their villages.
42 Libnah,CCXXIX Ether,CCXXX
CCXXVII “Makkedah” = Maqqedah. 9x in OT– all in Joshua. Perhaps from the same as naqod (speckled or spotted; its root may refer to something that is branded or marked through a piercing action). This is Makkedah, a city that may mean “fold” as in herding.
CCXXVIII “sixteen” = shesh + asar. Shesh is six. Figuratively, it can be a surplus since it is one more than the number of fingers on the hand. Asar is the same as “fourteen” in v36. See note CCXI above.
CCXXIX “Libnah” = Libnah. 18x in OT. From laban (to be or make white, to make bricks). This is Libnah, meaning “whiteness” or “transparency.” See https://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Libnah.html
CCXXX “Ether” = Ether. 2x in OT – both in Joshua. Perhaps from athar (to abound, multiply, be deceptive). This is Ether, a place whose name may mean “abundance.”
Ashan,CCXXXI 43 Iphtah,CCXXXII Ashnah, Nezib,CCXXXIII
CCXXXI “Ashan” = Ashan. 4x in OT – 2x in Joshua & 2x in 1 Chronicles. From the same as ashan (smoke, vapor, dust, or anger); perhaps from ashan (to smoke or burn in a literal or figurative sense; to be angry). This is Ashan, a place whose name means “smoke.”
CCXXXII “Iphtah” = Yiphtach. Related to “Nephtoah” in v9. From pathach (see note LXXXV above). This is Jephthah or Iphthah, meaning “he opens.” It is a name and a city.
CCXXXIII “Nezib” = Netsib. 1x in OT. From netsib (something that stands like a pillar, statute, or post; an officer, a garrison, or a military post); from natsab (to station, appoint, establish, take a stand). This is Nezib, a place whose name means “station.”
44 Keilah,CCXXXIV Achzib,CCXXXV and Mareshah:CCXXXVI nine towns with their villages.
CCXXXIV “Keilah” = Qeilah. 18x in OT. Perhaps from qala (to sling, carve). This is Keilah, a city whose name may mean “citadel.”
CCXXXV “Achzib” = Akzib. 4x in OT. From akzab (deceptive, disappointing, a falsehood; can imply treachery); from kazab (to lie, be false or in vain, to fail; to deceive in a literal or figurative sense). This is Achzib, the name of two places which means “deceptive” or “lying.” See https://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Achzib.html
CCXXXVI “Mareshah” = Mareshah. Related to “top” in v8. 8x in OT. Perhaps related to marashah (principality, headship, dominion); from the same as meraashoth (a place for one’s place so it could be a pillow, head rest, or other head piece); from rosh (see note LXXIV above). This is Mareshah, a personal and place name that may mean “summit” or “what is at the head” or “possession taker.” See https://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Mareshah.html
45 Ekron, with its townsCCXXXVII and its villages; 46 from Ekron to the sea, all that were nearCCXXXVIII Ashdod,CCXXXIX with their villages.
47 Ashdod, its townsCCXL and its villages; Gaza,CCXLI its townsCCXLII and its villages; to the Wadi of Egypt, and the GreatCCXLIII Sea with its coast.
CCXXXVII “towns” = bat. Same as “daughter” in v16. See note CXXXII above.
CCXXXVIII “near” = yad. This is hand, ability, power. Hand in a literal sense, but also what one can do or the means by which one does it.
CCXXXIX “Ashdod” = Ashdod. Related to “field” in v18. 17x in OT. Perhaps from shadad (see note CXLII above). This is Ashdod, a city whose name may mean “ravager.”
CCXL “towns” = bat. Same as “daughter” in v16. See note CXXXII above.
CCXLI “Gaza” = Azzah. From az (strong or mighty; power, vehemence, greedy); from azaz (to be strong, become fixed, be bold, prevail, be impudent; it means to be stout literally or figuratively. A Late Hebrew word). This is Gaza or Azzah – a Philistine city. It means “strong.”
CCXLII “towns” = bat. Same as “daughter” in v16. See note CXXXII above.
CCXLIII “Great” = gadol. Same as “Mediterranean” in v12. See note CIV above.
48 And in the hill country,CCXLIV Shamir,CCXLV Jattir,CCXLVI Socoh, 49 Dannah, Kiriath-sannahCCXLVII (that is, Debir),
CCXLIV “hill country” = har. Same as “mountain” in v8. See note LXXV above.
CCXLV “Shamir” = Shamir. 3 in OT – 1x in Joshua & 2x in Judges. From the same as shamir (thorn, brier, hard stone, diamond); perhaps related to shamar (to keep, watch, or preserve; to guard something or to protect it as a thorny hedge protects something). This is Shamar, two cities whose names may mean “hedge of briars” or “sharp point” or “sentinel” or “guard.” See https://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Shamir.html
CCXLVI “Jattir” = Yattir. 4x in OT. From yathar (to jut over, remain behind, preserve, to excel). This is a city whose name may mean “redundant” or “preeminence” or “lofty.” See https://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Jattir.html
CCXLVII “Kiriath-sannah” = Qiryath Sannah. Related to “towns” and “Kiriath-jearim” in v9 & “Kiriath-arba” in v13 & “Kiriath-sepher” in v15 & “Kiriath-hezron” in v25 & to “Sansannah” in v31. 1x in OT. From qiryah (see note XCII above) + sansin (see note CLXXXVI above) OR from qiryah (see above) + seneh (thorn bush). This is Kiriath-sannah, a city whose name means “encounter at the thornbush” or “storage city.” See https://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Kiriath-sannah.html
50 Anab,CCXLVIII Eshtemoh,CCXLIX Anim,CCL
CCXLVIII “Anab” = Anab. 2x in OT – both in Joshua. From the same as enab (grape, raisin, wine; may come from a word meaning bear fruit). This is Anab, a place whose name means “grape” or “fruit.”
CCXLIX “Eshtemoh” = Eshtemoa. Related to “Shema” in v26. 6x in OT. Perhaps from shama (see note CLXXI above). This is Eshtemoh, the name of a person and a place.
CCL “Anim” = Anim. Related to “En-shemesh” and “En-rogel” in v7 & “spring” in v9 & “Ain” in v32 & “En-gannim” and “Enam” in v34. 1x in OT. From the same as ayin (see note LXV above). This is Anim, a place whose name may mane “fountains” or “eyes” or “springs” or “two fountains.” See https://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Anim.html
51 Goshen,CCLI Holon,CCLII and Giloh:CCLIII
CCLI “Goshen” = Goshen. 15x in OT. Similar to Arabic j-sh-m (to labor) OR may be related to Egyptian qas (“inundated land”) OR Egyptian pa-qas (“pouring forth”) OR from Gasmu (“rulers of Bedouin Qedarites who occupied the eastern Delta from the 7th century BC”). This is Goshen. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Land_of_Goshen
CCLII “Holon” = Cholon. 3x in OT – 2x in Joshua & 1x in Jeremiah. Probably from chel (army, entrenchment, fortress, wall, or host); {from chul (whirling around so dancing as in a circle or writhing in pain; used particularly for the pain of childbirth or from writhing due to fear; can also be falling in pain or waiting)} OR from chayil (strength, wealth, ability, activity; a soldier or a company of soldiers; goods; a force of people, means, or goods; valor, virtue, or strength); {from chul (to be firm, strong, prosperous; to endure)} OR probably from chol (sand, perhaps because of its roundness or the way that the grains can whirl); {from chul (see above – whirling)}. This is Holon, two cities whose names mean “sandy” or “strong place.” See https://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Holon.html
CCLIII “Giloh” = Giloh. 2x in OT – 1x in Joshua & 1x in 2 Samuel. From gil (properly, twirling around because of a strong feeling – whether of rejoicing or from fear; to rejoice, be glad or joyful, to cry) OR from galah (to remove, bring, carry, lead, appear; to strip someone or something bare in a negative sense; captives were typically stripped before being sent into exile; figuratively, in a positive sense, to reveal, disclose, discover). This is Giloh, a city whose name means “open” or “exile” or “exposed” or “a basin” or “a rejoicing.” See https://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Giloh.html
elevenCCLIV townsCCLV with their villages.
CCLIV “eleven” = echad + asar. Echad is perhaps from achad (to unify, continue on a path; figuratively, to gather one’s thoughts). This is the number one, first, united. It can also be alone, altogether, a certain, a few. Asar is the same as “fourteen” in v36. See note CCXI above.
CCLV “towns” = iyr. Same as “towns” in v9. See note LXXXVII above.
CCLVI “Arab” = Arab. 1x in OT. From arab (to ambush, lurk, lie in wait). This is Arab, a city whose name means “ambush” or “trickery.” See https://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Arab.html
CCLVII “Dumah” = Dumah. 4x in OT. From the same as dumah (silence; figuratively, death). This is Duman, a person and place name.
CCLVIII “Eshan” = Eshan. 1x in OT. From shaan (to lean or support oneself; to rely or trust). This is Eshan, the name of a place that means “support” or “trust” or “place of confidence.” See https://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Eshan.html
53 Janim,CCLIX Beth-tappuah,CCLX Aphekah,CCLXI
CCLIX “Janim” = Yanim. 1x in OT. From num (to sleep because drowsy). This is Janim, a city whose name means “asleep.”
CCLX “Beth-tappuah” = Beth-tappuach. Related to “people” in v1 & “Beth-hoglah” and “Beth-arabah” and “Reuben’s” in v6 & “Beth-shemesh” in v10 & “Jabneel” in v11 & “daughter” in v16 & “Beth-pelet” in v27 & “Beth-dagon” in v41 & to “Tappuah” in v34. 1x in OT. From bayit (see note XLVII above) + tappuach (see note CCI above). This is Beth-tappuah, a place whose name means “place of apples” or “house of the apple.”
CCLXI “Aphekah” = Apheqah. 1x in OT. From Apheq (Apheq, Aphek, or Aphik; a place, perhaps meaning “fortress”); from aphaq (to be strong, force, control, hold). This is Aphekah, a city whose name may mean “fortress” or “channel” or “enclosure” or “constraint” or “restriction” or “strength.” See https://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Aphekah.html
54 Humtah,CCLXII Kiriath-arba (that is, Hebron), and Zior:CCLXIII nine townsCCLXIV with their villages.
55 Maon,CCLXV
CCLXII “Humtah” = Chumtah. 1x in OT. From chomet (lizard, snail; may come from a word meaning lie low). This is Humtah, a city whose name may mean “low.”
CCLXIII “Zior” = Tsior. 1x in OT. From tsaar (to be brought low, small, little one; figuratively, be insignificant or ignoble). This is Zior, a place whose name may mean “small.”
CCLXIV “towns” = iyr. Same as “towns” in v9. See note LXXXVII above.
CCLXV “Maon” = Maon. 8x in OT. From maon (dwelling, den, haunt, retreat; can refer to the Tabernacle or Temple; can also be used for homes or animal lairs); from anah (to answer, respond, announce, sing, shout, or testify; to pay attention, which implies responding and, by extension, starting to talk; singing, shouting, testifying, etc.) OR from the same as onah (marriage, living together, marital duty). This is Maon, a personal and place name that means “habitation” or “residence” or abode.” See https://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Maon.html
Carmel,CCLXVI Ziph, Juttah,CCLXVII 56 Jezreel,CCLXVIII Jokdeam,CCLXIX Zanoah,
CCLXVI “Carmel” = Karmel. From the same as kerem (vineyard, garden, vines, or a vintage). This is Carmel, a city whose name means “fruitful plentiful field” or “plantation” or “orchard” or “garden.” See https://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Carmel.html
CCLXVII “Juttah” = Yuttah. Related to “tribe” in v1. 2x in OT – both in Joshua. From natah (see note III above). This is Juttah, a city in Judah whose name means “extended” or “leveraged” or “it will be stretched out.” See https://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Juttah.html
CCLXVIII “Jezreel” = Yizreel. Related to “Jabneel” in v11 & “Othniel” in v17 & “Kabzeel” in v21 & “Eltolad” in v30 & “Jokthe-el” in v38. From zara (to sow or scatter seed; conceive or yield) + El (see note CII above). This is Jezreel or Yizreel. It means “God sows” or “God will sow.”
CCLXIX “Jokdeam” = Yoqdeam. Related to “Amam” in v26. 1x in OT. From yaqad (to kindle, burn) + am (see note CCIV above). This is Jokdeam, a city whose name means “burning of the people.”
57 Kain,CCLXX Gibeah,CCLXXI and Timnah: tenCCLXXII townsCCLXXIII with their villages.
CCLXX “Kain” = Qayin. Related to “Kinah” in v22. From the same as qayin (see note CLX above). This is Cain, the name or Kenite – the people or their territory. It may mean “spear,” “smith,” “acquisition,” or “political leader.” See https://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Cain.html
CCLXXI “Gibeah” = Gibah. From the same as Geba (Geba or Gibeah; hillock); from the same as gabia (cup, bowl, flower; root might mean being convex). This is Gibeah, a city whose name means “hill.”
CCLXXII “ten” = eser. Related to “twenty” in v32 & “fourteen” in v36. See note CXCII above.
CCLXXIII “towns” = iyr. Same as “towns” in v9. See note LXXXVII above.
58 Halhul,CCLXXIV Beth-zur, CCLXXV Gedor,CCLXXVI
CCLXXIV “Halhul” = Chalchul. Related to “Holon” in v51. 1x in OT. Perhaps from chul (see note CLII above). This is Halhul, a city whose name may mean “contorted” or “trembling” or “trepidation.” See https://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Halhul.html
CCLXXV “Beth-zur” = Beth-tsur. Related to “people” in v1 & “Beth-hoglah” and “Beth-arabah” and “Reuben’s” in v6 & “Beth-shemesh” in v10 & “Jabneel” in v11 & “daughter” in v16 & “Beth-pelet” in v27 & “Beth-dagon” in v41 & “Beth-tappuah” in v53 & to “Egypt” in v4. 4x in OT. From bayit (see note XLVII above) + tsur (rock, stone, cliff, boulder, rocky; a refuge, God); {from tsur (see note XXXVII above)}. This is Beth-zur, a place whose name means “house of a rock.”
CCLXXVI “Gedor” = Gedor. Related to “Gederah” and “Gedorathaim” in v36 & “Gederoth” in v41. 7xin OT. From gadar (see note CCIX above). This is Gedor, a place name and personal name meaning “wall” or “enclosure” or “fortified.” See https://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Gedor.html
59 Maarath,CCLXXVII Beth-anoth,CCLXXVIII and Eltekon:CCLXXIX six townsCCLXXX with their villages.
CCLXXVII “Maarath” = Maarath. 1x in OT. From arah (to be bare, empty, raze, uncover, discover, demolish) OR from maarah (army, open spot); {{akin to maarakah (row or rank; a formation in a military setting or any other ordered arrangement); from maarak (an arrangement, plan, disposition); from arak (to arrange by setting in a row; to set a battle, estimate, put in order, or compare)} or from maareh (meadows); {from the same as maar (a bare place, nakedness, vacant space) or from arah (see above)}. This is Maarath, a place whose name may mean “waste” or “barren place” or “cave” or “a place of naked trees.” See https://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Maarath.html
CCLXXVIII “Beth-anoth” = Beth-anoth. Related to “people” in v1 & “Beth-hoglah” and “Beth-arabah” and “Reuben’s” in v6 & “Beth-shemesh” in v10 & “Jabneel” in v11 & “daughter” in v16 & “Beth-pelet” in v27 & “Beth-dagon” in v41 & “Beth-tappuah” in v53 & “Beth-zur” in v58 & to “Maon” in v55. 1x in OT. From bayit (see note XLVII above) + an uncertain word or anah (see note CCLXV above). This is Beth-anoth, a place that may mean “temple of Anat” or “house of replies” or “house of answer” or “house of business” or “house of affliction” or “house of singing.” See https://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Beth-anoth.html
CCLXXIX “Eltekon” = Elteqon. Related to “Jabneel” in v11 & “Othniel” in v17 & “Kabzeel” in v21 & “Eltolad” in v30 & “Jokthe-el” in v38 & “Jezreel” in v56. 1x in OT. Perhaps from El (see note CII above) + taqan (to arrange, straighten, compose). This is Eltekon, a city whose name means “God is straight” or “God makes straight” or “founded by God” or “God the foundation” or “God sorts out.” See https://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Eltekon.html
CCLXXX “towns” = iyr. Same as “towns” in v9. See note LXXXVII above.
60 Kiriath-baalCCLXXXI (that is, Kiriath-jearim) and Rabbah:CCLXXXII twoCCLXXXIII townsCCLXXXIV with their villages.
CCLXXXI “Kiriath-baal” = Qiryath Baal. Related to “towns” and “Kiriath-jearim” in v9 & “Kiriath-arba” in v13 & “Kiriath-sepher” in v15 & “Kiriath-hezron” in v25 & “Kiriath-sannah” in v49 & to “Baalah” in v9 & “Bealoth” in v24. 2x in OT – both in Joshua. From qiryah (see note XCII above) + Baal (Baal, used for several Canaanite gods; literally, “lord”); {from the same as baal (see note XCI above)}}. This is Kiriath-baal, which may mean “city of Baal” or “city of the lord.” See https://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Kiriath-baal.html
CCLXXXII “Rabbah” = Rabbah. 15x in OT. From rab (abundance, many, elder, exceedingly, great; abundance of amount, rank, or status); from rabab (increasing in any aspect whether quantity, authority, size, quality, greatness, etc.). This is Rabbah, a place whose name means “great,” “great city,” or “populous.” See https://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Rabbah.html
CCLXXXIII “two” = shenayim. From sheni (double, again, another, second); from shanah (to fold, repeat, double, alter, or disguise). This is two, both, second, couple.
CCLXXXIV “towns” = iyr. Same as “towns” in v9. See note LXXXVII above.
61 In the wilderness, Beth-arabah, Middin,CCLXXXV Secacah,CCLXXXVI 62 Nibshan,CCLXXXVII
CCLXXXV “Middin” = Middin. 1x in OT. Perhaps from Midyan (Midian, Midianite, meaning “strife” or “place of judgment”); from the same as midyan (brawling, contention); from the same as madon (strife, contention, brawling); from din (to judge, defend, dispute, govern, strive). This is Middin, a city whose name means “measures” or “place of judgment” or “extensions.” See https://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Middin.html
CCLXXXVI “Secacah” = Sekakah. Related to “Socoh” in v35. 1x in OT. From sakak (to cover or overshadow; to hedge or fence in; figuratively, to defend, protect, or join together); akin to suk (see note CCV above). This is Secacah, a place whose name means “protector” or “enclosure” or “thicket.” See https://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Secacah.html
CCLXXXVII “Nibshan” = Nibshan. 1x in OT. From the same as Bashan (a place whose name may mean “smooth”). This is Nibshan.
the City of Salt,CCLXXXVIII and En-gedi:CCLXXXIX six townsCCXC with their villages.
CCLXXXVIII “City of Salt” = Iyr Hammelach. Related to “towns” and “Kiriath-jearim” in v9 & “Kiriath-arba” in v13 & “Kiriath-sepher” in v15 & “Kiriath-hezron” in v25 & “Kiriath-sannah” in v49 & “Kiriath-baal” in v60 & to “Dead” in v2. 1x in OT. From iyr (see note LXXXVII above) + melach (see note XVII above). This is a place whose name is literally “City of Salt.”
CCLXXXIX “En-gedi” = En Gedi. Related to “En-shemesh” and “En-rogel” in v7 & “spring” in v9 & “Ain” in v32 & “En-gannim” and “Enam” in v34 & “Anim” in v50. 6x in OT. From Ayin (see note LXV above) + gedi (a young goat); {from the same as gadah (a bank or border of a river or stream)}. This is En-gedi, a place whose name means “spring of a kid” or “fountain of a kid.” See https://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/En-gedi.html
CCXC “towns” = iyr. Same as “towns” in v9. See note LXXXVII above.
63 But the people of Judah couldCCXCI not drive out the Jebusites, the inhabitants of Jerusalem, so the Jebusites liveCCXCII with the people of Judah in Jerusalem to this day.CCXCIII
CCXCI “could” = yakol. This is to be able, endure, overcome, prevail.
CCXCII “live” = yashab. Same as “inhabitants” in v15. See note CXXV above.
CCXCIII “day” = yom. Root may mean being hot. This is the day in a literal or figurative sense. It can also mean birth, age, daylight, continually or other references to time.
Image credit: “Water and Light Water reflections 05-05-2012 565” by Richard Hurd, 2012.