Joshua 16
1 The allotmentA of the JosephitesB wentC from the JordanD
A “allotment” = goral. Root may mean to be rough like a stone. A lot was probably a small pebble used to determine one’s portion or what one should do (the will of a god or one’s destiny).
B “Josephites” = ben + Yoseph. Literally, “children of Joseph.” Ben is from banah (to build or obtain children). This is son, age, child. It is son in a literal or figurative sense. Yoseph is from yasaph (to add, increase, continue, exceed). This is Joseph, meaning “he increases” or “let him add.”
C “went” = yatsa. This is to go or come out, bring forth, appear. It is to go out in a literal or figurative sense.
D “Jordan” = Yarden. From yarad (to go down, descend; going down in a literal or figurative sense; going to the shore or a boundary, bringing down an enemy). This is the Jordan River, meaning “descending.”
by Jericho,E eastF of the watersG of Jericho,
E “Jericho” = Yericho. From yareach (moon); {from the same as yerach (month)} OR from ruach (smell, breathe, perceive, anticipate, accept, enjoy). This is Jericho meaning either “moon city” or “fragrant place.”
F “east” = mizrach. From zarach (to rise, shine, or dawn; can also describe symptoms of leprosy). This is the east as the place where the sun rises. It can also refer to the sunrise itself.
G “waters” = mayim. This is water, waters, or waterway in a general sense. Figuratively, it can also mean juice, urine, or semen.
into the wilderness,H going upI from Jericho into the hill countryJ to Bethel;K
H “wilderness” = midbar. From dabar (to speak, command, declare). This is mouth or speech. It can also be desert or wilderness. Additionally, it can be used for a pasture to which one drives cattle.
I “going up” = alah. This is to go up, approach, ascend, be high, be a priority; to arise in a literal or figurative sense.
J “hill country” = har. From harar (hill or mountain). This is mountain, hill, hilly region.
K “Bethel” = Betheel. Related to “Josephites” in v1. From bayit (house, household, palace, dungeon); {from banah (see note B above)} + El (God, a god). This is Bethel, literally meaning “house of God.”
2 then going from Bethel to Luz,L it passes alongM to Ataroth,N
L “Luz” = Luz. 8x in OT. Probably from the same as luz (almond tree or almond wood; may also be hazel) OR from luz (to turn aside). The is Luz, meaning “almond tree” or “twisted.” See https://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Luz.html#.Xv6vzChKhPY
M “passes along” = abar. This is to pass over or cross over. It is used for transitions, whether literal or figurative. It can also mean to escape, alienate, or fail. This is the root verb from which “Hebrew” is drawn.
N “Ataroth” = Ataroth. 4x in OT. From atarah (crown or wreath; figuratively, honor); from atar (to surround or encircle to defend, protect, or attack; to crown in a literal or figurative sense). This is Ataroth, a place meaning “crowns” or “cattle pens.” See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ataroth
the territoryO of the Archites;P 3 then it goes downQ westwardR
O “territory” = gebul. Perhaps from gabal (to border, twist like rope). This is boundary, limit, coast, space. Properly, it is a line that is twisted, which implies a boundary and, by extension, the boundaries of a territory or other enclosed space.
P “Archites” = Arki. 6x in OT. Perhaps akin to Erek (Erech or Erek); perhaps from arak (to be long in a literal or figurative sense, to continue, defer, draw out, endure, delay). This is Archite, which is someone from that place.
Q “goes down” = yarad. Related to “Jordan” in v1. See note D above.
R “westward” = yam. Root may mean to roar. This is the sea, often referring to the Mediterranean. It comes from the root in the sense of the roar of crashing surf. This word is sometimes used for rivers or other sources of water. It can mean to the west or to the south.
to the territory of the Japhletites,S as far as the territory of LowerT Beth-horon,U
S “Japhletites” = Yaphleti. 1x in OT. From Yaphlet (Japhlet, meaning “he will deliver”); from palat (to escape, slip out, deliver, calve). This is Japhletites, those descended from the line of Japhlet.
T “Lower” = tachton. 13x in OT. From tachat (underneath, below, the bottom, instead of). This is lower, lowest, or bottommost.
U “Beth-horon” = Beth Choron. Related to “Josephites” and “Bethel” in v1. 14x in OT. From bayit (see note K above) + chor (a hole, den, cavity); {from the same as chur (hole; a hole that was bored; a crevice where a snake lives; the cell of a prison)}. This is Beth-horon, the name of a few cities, which means “place of a hollow” or “house of hollowness” or “house of freedom” or “place of the great cavern” or “house of the free men.” See https://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Beth-horon.html
then to Gezer,V and it endsW at the sea.X
V “Gezer” = Gezer. 15x in OT. From gezer (piece, part, portion); from gazar (to cut or cut down; figuratively, to divide, exclude, decree, or destroy). This is Gezer, a city that means “portion.”
W “ends” = hayah + totsaah. Hayah is to be or become, to happen. Totsaah is related to “went” in v1. From yatsa (see note C above). This refers to the farthest border of something. So, it could be an exit or escape, spring, strength, deliverance, or source.
X “sea” = yam. Same as “westward” in v3. See note R above.
4 The Josephites—ManassehY and EphraimZ—received their inheritance.AA
Y “Manasseh” = Menashsheh. From nashah (to forget, neglect, remove, deprive). This is Manasseh, literally “causing to forget.” It is Manasseh, his tribe, or the lands of the tribe.
Z “Ephraim” = Ephrayim. From the same as epher (ashes or dust – properly something strewn) OR from parah (to grow, increase, be fruitful in a literal or figurative sense). This is Ephraim, one of Joseph’s sons, his descendants, and their land.
AA “received…inheritance” = nachal. From nachalah (properly something that was inherited; can mean occupancy generally or, more particularly, an heirloom or an estate; can be an inheritance, gift, possession, or portion). This is to gain as a possession, divide for inheritance. Also, to occupy for any reason.
5 The territory of the EphraimitesBB by their familiesCC wasDD as follows: the boundaryEE of their inheritanceFF on the east
BB “Ephraimites” = ben + Ephrayim. Literally, “children of Ephraim.” Ben is the same as “Josephites” in v1. See note B above. Ephrayim is the same as “Ephraim” in v4. See note Z above.
CC “families” = mishpachah. From the same as shiphcah (maid, maidservant); root means to spread out. This is one’s circle of relatives – clan, family, kindred.
DD “was” = hayah. Same as “ends” in v3. See note W above.
EE “boundary” = gebul. Same as “territory” in v2. See note O above.
FF “inheritance” = nachalah. Related to “received…inheritance” in v4. See note AA above.
was Ataroth-addarGG as far as UpperHH Beth-horon, 6 and the boundary goesII from there to the sea; on the northJJ is Michmethath;KK
GG “Ataroth-addar” = Ataroth Addar. Related to “Ataroth” in v2. 2x in OT – 1x in Joshua 16 & 1x in Joshua 18. From Ataroth (see note N above) + Addar (Addar; a personal name and city name meaning “ample” or “wide open place” or “honorable” or “noble”). This is Ataroth-addar, a city whose name means “crowns of Addar,” “crowns of greatness,” or “wide open surroundings.” See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ataroth & https://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Addar.html & https://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Ataroth-addar.html
HH “Upper” = elyon. Related to “going up” in v1. From alah (see note I above). This is most high, upper. It refers to elevation – so, lofty.
II “goes” = yatsa. Same as “went” in v1. See note C above.
JJ “north” = tsaphon. From tsaphan (to hide, hoard, reserve; to cover over or figuratively to deny; also to lurk). This is properly hidden, dark, or gloomy. It can also be used to refer to the north.
KK “Michmethath” = Mikmethath. 2x in OT – 1x in Joshua 16 & 1x in Joshua 17. This is Michmethath, a city whose name may come from a work meaning to hide. So, it may mean “concealment.”
then on the east the boundary makes a turnLL toward Taanath-shilohMM and passes along beyond it on the east to Janoah,NN
LL “makes a turn” = sabab. This is turning around, going around; to surround, cast, walk, fetch. It is to revolve or border in a literal or figurative sense.
MM “Taanath-shiloh” = Taanath Shiloh. 1x in OT. From taanah (tree, fig tree, opportunity, occasion) + Shiloh (Shiloh; perhaps meaning “he whose it is” or “tranquil”); {from shalah (to draw out, take away, require) OR from the same as Shiyloh (Shiloh; perhaps “he whose it is” or “tranquil”); perhaps from shalah (to be quiet, safe, tranquil; can imply success or happiness; could also mean to deceive or be negligent)}. This is Taanath-shiloh, a city whose name may mean “approach to Shiloh” or “heaviness” or “mourning” or “opportune retreat” or “entrance to Shiloh” or “discovered retreat.” See https://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Taanath-shiloh.html
NN “Janoah” = Yanoach. 3x in OT – 2x in Joshua 16 & 1x in 2x Kings 15. From yanach (to lay down, let alone, pacify, cast down, or deposit; to allow something or someone to stay); perhaps akin to nuach (to rest, calm, camp, free, place, remain, satisfy, settle, station, or wait; implies settling down in a literal or figurative sense). This is Janoah, a city whose name means “quiet” or “rest” or “he will give rest.” See https://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Janoah.html
7 then it goes down from Janoah to Ataroth and to NaarahOO and touchesPP Jericho, endingQQ at the Jordan.
OO “Naarah” = Naarah. 4x in OT – 1x in Joshua 16 & 3x in 1 Chronicles 4. From the same as naar (child or a servant; a child in their active years so they could be aged anywhere from infancy to adolescence); {perhaps from naar (to shake, toss up and down, tumble around)} OR from naarah (girl, young lady); {from naar (see above)}. This is Naarah, a place whose name may mean “young woman” or “girl.” See https://www.abarim-publications.com/Meaning/Naarath.html
PP “touches” = paga. This is to meet or happen, whether unintentionally or of violence. It can also be plead, spare, reach, or intercede.
QQ “ending” = yatsa. Same as “went” in v1. See note C above.
8 From TappuahRR the boundary goesSS westward to the WadiTT KanahUU
RR “Tappuah” = Tappuach. 6x in OT– 5x in Joshua & 1x in 1 Chronicles. From the same as tappuach (apple, apple tree; perhaps also quine and other fruits); from naphach (to breathe, puff, inflate, scatter, light on fire, make something lose its life). This is Tappuah, a city whose name may mean apple.
SS “goes” = halak. This is go, come, walk. It is walk literally and figuratively and includes people and animals. It can be used figuratively for one’s moral life – how we walk according to God’s way or against it. It can also refer to the walk of life as in the course one’s life takes, the choices we make, etc.
TT “Wadi” = nachal. Related to “received…inheritance” in v4 & “inheritance” in v5. From nachal (see note AA above). This is a river or stream. It could be a wadi or arroyo – sometimes a narrow valley with no water at all, but in strong rains or when winter snow melts, it swells or floods with water.
UU “Kanah” = Qanah. 3x in OT – all in Joshua. From the same as qaneh (reed, branch, measuring rod); perhaps from qanah (to get, buy, redeem, create, possess). Kanah is a wadi and a city, which may mean “reediness.”
and endsVV at the sea. Such is the inheritanceWW of the tribeXX of the Ephraimites by their families, 9 together with the townsYY that were set apartZZ for the Ephraimites
VV “ends” = hayah + totsaah. Same as “ends” in v3. See note W above.
WW “inheritance” = nachalah. Same as “inheritance” in v5. See note FF above.
XX “tribe” = matteh. From natah (to stretch or spread out, extend, bend). This is a staff, rod, branch, or tribe. It could be a rod for discipline or correction. It could be a scepter to indicate authority, a throwing lance, or a walking staff. Figuratively, it could also be something that supports life (like bread).
YY “towns” = iyr. From uwr (to awaken or wake oneself up). This can mean excitement in the sense of wakefulness or city. Properly, this is a place that is guarded. Guards kept schedules according to watches. This sense of the word would include cities as well as encampments or posts that were guarded.
ZZ “set apart” = mibdalah. 1x in OT. From badal (to divide, distinguish, select, differ, sever; to divide in a literal or figurative sense). This is separation, set apart, somewhere apart.
withinAAA the inheritanceBBB of the Manassites,CCC allDDD those towns with their villages.EEE
AAA “within” = tavek. This is among, middle, in the midst, the center. Perhaps, properly, to sever.
BBB “inheritance” = nachalah. Same as “inheritance” in v5. See note FF above.
CCC “Manassites” = ben + Menashsheh. Literally, “children of Manasseh.” Ben is the same as “Josephites” in v1. See note B above. Menashsheh is the same as “Manasseh” in v4. See note Y above.
DDD “all” = kol. From kalal (to complete). This is all or every.
EEE “villages” = chatser. From chatsar (to blow a trumpet, trumpeter, to surround); from chatsotsrah (trumpet). This is an enclosure or court – a yard that is fenced in. It could also be a village or hamlet that is walled in.
10 They did not, however, drive outFFF the CanaanitesGGG who livedHHH in Gezer, so the Canaanites have lived withinIII Ephraim
FFF “drive out” = yarash. This is inheriting or dispossessing. It refers to occupying or colonizing – taking territory by driving out the previous inhabitants and living there instead of them. By implication, it can mean to seize or rob, to expel, ruin, or impoverish.
GGG “Canaanites” = Knaaniy. From Kanaan (Canaan, his descendants, and the land where they settled; perhaps meaning lowlands, describing their land or subjugated in reference to being conquered by Egypt); from kana (to be humble, subdue; properly, bend the knee). This is Canaanite, which in some instances would imply a peddler or sometimes used in place of Ishmaelite. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canaan
HHH “lived” = yashab. This is to sit and so to remain and so to dwell. It is sitting for any reason – as a judge, in order to ambush, or just sitting quietly. Causatively, this can mean settling or marrying. This can also mean continue, endure, or establish.
III “within” = qereb. Perhaps from qarab (to come near or approach). This is among, in the midst, before, the center It is the inward part, whether literal or figurative. It can also be used for the heart, the site of thoughts and feelings. This word is also used as a technical term for the entrails of the animals who are sacrificed.
to this dayJJJ but have been madeKKK to doLLL forced labor.MMM
JJJ “day” = yom. Root may mean being hot. This is the day in a literal or figurative sense. It can also mean birth, age, daylight, continually or other references to time.
KKK “made” = hayah. Same as “ends” in v3. See note W above.
LLL “do” = abad. This is to work, serve, or compel. It can describe any kind of work or service (including religious devotion). Also, till or cultivate. Used causatively, it can mean to enslave or keep in bondage.
MMM “forced labor” = mas. Perhaps from masas (to melt, discourage, faint; to deteriorate from a sickness or weaken because of sleepiness or an emotional response). This is a burden that creates weariness and or exhaustion. It is forced labor, taskwork, or other levy.
Image credit: “Roaring Waters and a Peaceful Heron” by Zvi Harduf, 2006.