Mark 6:30-34, 53-56
Ordinary B34
30 The apostlesA gatheredB around Jesus,C
A “apostles” = apostolos. From apostello (to send, send away, send forth as a messenger, to commission); {from apo (from, away from) + stello (to set, arrange, prepare, provide for)}. This is a messenger – someone sent out on a mission as an envoy or delegate. It can also refer to someone set at liberty. Generally, this is a messenger who is meant to be a representative of the one who sent them. They are thus, set apart on a mission literally or figuratively.
B “gathered” = sunago. From sun (with, together with, closely associated) + ago (to lead, bring, carry, guide, go, drive). This is to lead together and so to assemble, bring together, welcome with hospitality, or entertain. In the sense of assembly, this is the root of the word “synagogue.”
C “Jesus” = Iesous. From Hebrew Yehoshua (Joshua, the Lord is salvation); {from YHVH (proper name of the God of Israel; the self-existent and eternal one); {from havah (to become) or from hayah (to come to pass, become, be)} + yasha (to deliver, defend, help, preserve, rescue; properly, to be open, wide or free, which implies being safe. So, in a causative sense, this is to free someone)}. This is Jesus or Joshua in Greek – the Lord saves or the Lord is salvation.
and toldD him all that they had doneE and taught.F
D “told” = apaggello. Related to “gathered” in v30. From apo (from, away from) + aggello (to announce, report); {from aggelos (angel, messenger); probably from ago (see note B above)}. This is to report, declare, bring word. It is an announcement that emphasizes the source.
E “done” = poieo. This is to make, do, act, construct, abide, or cause.
F “taught” = didasko. From dao (learn). This is to teach, direct, instruct, or impart knowledge. In the New Testament, this is almost always used for teaching scripture.
31 He said to them, “ComeG away to a desertedH placeI all by yourselvesJ and restK a while.”L
G “come” = deute. 12x in NT. From deuro (come here, hither, hence, now, until now). This is come, follow – as an exclamatory mood.
H “deserted” = eremos. Properly, a place that is not settled or farmed, not populated. It could be a deserted area or a desert place. It could be seen as secluded, solitary, or lonesome. Any kind of vegetation is sparse, but so are people generally.
I “place” = topos. This is a place or region. It is a smaller space that can only hold a limited number of people whereas chora is a larger place. Figuratively it could be an opportunity.
J “by yourselves” = idios. This is something that belongs to you or that is personal, private, apart. It indicates a stronger sense of possession than a simple possessive pronoun. This is where “idiot” comes from (denoting someone who hasn’t had formal training or education and so they rely on their own understanding).
K “rest” = anapauo. 12x in NT– including Matthew 11:28 “come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.” From ana (up, again, back, among, between, anew) + pauo (to stop, refrain, pause, restrain, quit, come to an end). This is a break from work, which implies being refreshed. It denotes that rest that one gets once a necessary task is finished.
L “a while” = oligos. This is few or small – it can be a short time or extent, low light, amount, or worth.
For manyM were coming and going,N and they had no leisureO even to eat.P 32 And they went away in the boatQ to a deserted place by themselves.
M “many” = polus. This is much, often, plenteous – a large number or a great extent.
N “going” = hupago. Related to “gathered” and” told” in v30. From hupo (by, under, under the authority of) + ago (see note B above). This is to lead under so to depart, go away, or die. It is to lead away under the command of someone else, being given a mission or objective to carry out.
O “had…leisure” = eukaireo. 3x in NT. From eukairos (timely, suitable, strategic, well-timed, opportune, festival); {from eu (good, well, well done, rightly) + kairos (season, opportunity, occasion; spiritually significant time – the right time or appointed time)}. This is to have a good opportunity, to spend free time at something, to have a good time.
P “eat” = phago. This is to eat or figuratively to consume like rust does.
Q “boat” = ploion. From pleo (to sail, voyage); probably from pluno (to plunge – so to wash); from pluo (to flow). This is a boat, ship, or vessel.
33 Now many sawR them going and recognizedS them, and they hurriedT there on foot from all the townsU and arrived ahead of them.
R “saw” = horao. To see, perceive, attend to, look upon, experience. Properly, to stare at and so implying clear discernment. This, by extension, would indicate attending to what was seen and learned. This is to see, often with a metaphorical sense. Can include inward spiritual seeing.
S “recognized” = epiginsko. From epi (on, upon, what is fitting) + ginosko (to know, recognize, realize, perceive, learn; gaining knowledge through personal experience). This is to perceive, discern, acknowledge, recognize, know exactly because of direct interaction.
T “hurried” = suntrecho. 3x in NT. From sun (with, together with) + trecho (to run, make progress, rush; running like an athlete in a race; figuratively, to work quickly towards a goal in a focused way). This is to run, hurry together. Figuratively, it can be to gather quickly or rush headlong.
U “towns” = polis. This is a city or its inhabitants. It is a town of variable size, but one that has walls. This is where “metropolis” and “police” come from.
34 As he went ashore, he saw a greatV crowd; and he had compassionW for them, because they were like sheepX withoutY a shepherd;Z and he beganAA to teach them many things.
V “great” = polus. Same as “many” in v31. See note M above.
W “had compassion” = splagchnizomai. 12x in NT– 8x of Jesus having compassion on people or crowds. From splanxnon (inner organs, entrails; seen as the root of emotions). This is moved to compassion from deep within oneself – visceral empathy or sympathy, being deeply moved.
X “sheep” = probaton. Probably from probaino (to go forward literally or to advance in years); {from pro (before, ahead, earlier than, above) + the same as basis (a step, pace, foot); {from baino (to walk, to go)}}. This is literally easily led and so a sheep or another grazing animal. Also use figuratively of people who are led easily.
Y “without” = me + echo. Literally “not having.”
Z “shepherd” = poimen. 18x in NT. This is shepherd or pastor – one who protects. It is also used figuratively to mean ruler.
AA “began” = archomai. From archo (to rule, begin, have first rank or have political power). This is to begin or rule.
53 When they had crossed over,BB they came to landCC at GennesaretDD and moored the boat.EE
BB “crossed over” = diaperao. 6x in NT. From dia (through, for the sake of, across, thoroughly) + peran (over, beyond, across); {akin to pera (on the far side); perhaps from peiro (to pierce)}. This is to cross or sail over entirely.
CC “land” = ge. This is earth, land, soil, region, country, the inhabitants of an area.
DD “Gennesaret” = Gennesaret. 3x in NT. From Hebrew Kinaroth (lyre, maybe harp-shaped; root may mean to twang). This is west of the Sea of Galilee.
EE “moored the boat” = prosrmizo. 1x in NT. From pros (at, to, toward, with) + hormos (to anchor, lull); {or from the same as horme (onrush, quick motion forward, attempt, inclination, attempt)}. This is to draw to shore, moor. It implies the place where you make a landing.
54 When they got out of the boat, people at onceFF recognized him, 55 and rushed aboutGG that wholeHH regionII
FF “at once” = eutheos. From euthus (immediately, upright, straight and not crooked); {perhaps from eu (good, well, well done, rightly) + tithemi (to place, lay, set, establish)}. This is directly, soon, at once.
GG “rushed about” = peritrecho. Related to “hurried” in v33. 1x in NT. From peri (about, concerning, around, encompassing) + trecho (see note T above). This is to run around or through.
HH “whole” = holos. This is whole, complete, or entire. It is a state where every member is present and functioning in concert. This is the root of the word “whole.”
II “region” = chora. From chasma (gap, gulf, chasm, open space); from chasko (to gape, yawn). This is space, land, region, fields, open area – the countryside in contrast to the town.
and began to bringJJ the sickKK on matsLL to wherever they heardMM he was.
JJ “bring” = periphero. 3x in NT. From peri (about, concerning, around, encompassing) + phero (to bear, bring, lead, make known publicly; to carry in a literal or figurative sense). This is to carry around, transport, or be driven about.
KK “sick” = kakos. 16x in NT. From kakos (bad, evil, harm, ill; evil that is part of someone’s core character – intrinsic, rotted, worthless, depraved, causing harm; deep inner malice that comes from a rotten character; can be contrasted with the Greek poneros, which is that which bears pain – a focus on the miseries and pains that come with evil; also contrasting the Greek sapros, which deals with falling away from a previously embodied virtue). This is wrongly, badly, cruelly, with bad motives, misery connected to affliction. It can be physically badly or morally badly, i.e. evilly.
LL “mats” = krabattos. 11x in NT. From Ancient Macedonian grabos (oak or beech). This is a bed or pallet. It is a place for poor people, perhaps made of a quilt or a mat. Always used to refer to sick people on mats – 9x in the Gospels and 2x in the book of Acts.
MM “heard” = akouo. This is hear or listen, but it also means to understand by hearing. This is where the word “acoustics” comes from.
56 And wherever he went,NN into villagesOO or citiesPP or farms,QQ
NN “went” = eisporeuomai. 18x in NT. From eis (to, into, for, among) + poreuomai (to go, travel, journey, die; refers to transporting things from one place to another; focuses on the personal significance of the destination); {from poros (passageway)}. This is to enter or journey in in a literal or figurative sense.
OO “villages” = kome. This is a village as contrasted with a city that has a wall.
PP “cities” = polis. Same as “towns” in v33. See note U above.
QQ “farms” = agros. This is a field as a place where one grows crops or pastures cattle. It can also refer to a farm or lands. This is one of the roots of “agriculture.”
they laidRR the sickSS in the marketplaces,TT
RR “laid” = tithemi. Related to “at once” in v54. See note FF above.
SS “sick” = astheneo. From asthenes (not having strength or weak in a moral sense; sick); {from a (not) + sthenes (strong, vigor); {from the base of sthenoo (to strengthen so that one can be mobile); from sthenos (strength)}}. This is sick, feeble, languishing, impotent. Can also refer to moral weakness.
TT “marketplaces” = agora. 11x in NT. From ageiro (to gather). This is assembly, forum, marketplace, town square, thoroughfare. This is where “agoraphobia” comes from.
and beggedUU him that they might touchVV even the fringeWW of his cloak;XX and all who touched it were healed.YY
UU “begged” = parakaleo. From para (beside, by, in the presence of) + kaleo (to call by name, invite, to name, bid, summon, call aloud) {related to keleuo (to command, order, direct); from kelomai (to urge on)}. This is to call to, summon, invite, request, or beg. It can also be exhort or admonish. Also, this can be encourage, comfort, or console. This word has legal overtones and is used of one’s advocate in a courtroom. It is the root of the name of the Holy Spirit “paraclete” is our advocate and comforter.
VV “touch” = haptomai. From hapto (to touch, handle, kindle, lay hold of). This is a touch that has an impact on what is being touched – it has an influence on the recipient so that the recipient is changed.
WW “fringe” = kraspedon. 5x in NT. This is a border – a fringe, edge, or tassel.
XX “cloak” = himation. From heima (garment) OR from ennumi (to put on). This is the outer garment, cloak, robe, or mantle. It is worn loosely over a tunic.
YY “healed” = sozo. From sos (safe, rescued, well). This is to save, heal, preserve, or rescue. Properly, this is taking someone from danger to safety. It can be delivering or protecting literally or figuratively. This is the root that “savior” and “salvation” come from in Greek.
Image credit: “Cripples at Bethesda” by Axel Helsted, 1890.