Mark 7:10-13
A Women’s Lectionary – Proper 8


10 For MosesA said, ‘HonorB your fatherC and your mother,’D

Notes on verse 10a

A “Moses” = Mouses. From Hebrew Mosheh (Moses); from mashah (to pull out in a literal or figurative sense, to draw out) OR from Egyptian mes or mesu (child, son i.e. child of…). This is Moses – the one drawn out from the water, which is to say, rescued. If derived from the Egyptian, his name would share a root with Rameses and Thutmose.
B “honor” = timao. From time (worth or perceived value; literally, price, but figuratively, the honor or value one sees in someone or something; can be esteem or dignity; can also mean precious or valuables); from tino (to pay, be punished, pay a penalty or fine because of a crime); from tio (to pay respect, value). Properly, this is setting a value or price on something, to estimate. Figuratively, it speaks to what level of honor we afford someone or something depending on our personal feeling toward it. By implication, this can mean to revere or honor.
C “father” = pater. This is father in a literal or figurative sense. Could be elder, senior, ancestor, originator, or patriarch.
D “mother” = meter. This is mother in a literal or figurative sense.

and, ‘Whoever speaks evilE of father or mother must surelyF die.’G 

Notes on verse 10b

E “speaks evil” = kakologeo. 4x in NT. From kakos (bad, evil, harm, ill. It is evil that is part of someone’s core character – intrinsic, rotted, worthless, depraved, causing harm. It refers to deep inner malice that comes from a rotten character) + logos (word, statement, speech, analogy; a word that carries an idea or expresses a thought, a saying; a person with a message or reasoning laid out in words; by implication, a topic, line of reasoning, or a motive; can be used for a divine utterance or as Word – Christ); {from lego (to speak, tell, mention)}. This is to curse, speak evil of, abuse. It is words chosen specifically to cause harm or misconstrue – to make evil look like good or wrong like right.
F “must surely” = teleutao. 13x in NT. From teleute (end, finishing, consummation; can also be used for death); from teleo (to complete, fulfill, accomplish, end); from telos (an end, aim, purpose, completion, end goal, consummation, tax; going through the steps to complete a stage or phase and then moving on to the next one). This is to complete or come to the end/end goal. It can also mean to finish life or to meet one’s ultimate fate in heaven or hell.
G “die” = thanatos. From thnesko (to die, be dead). This is death, whether literal or spiritual. It can also refer to something that is fatal.

11 But you sayH that if anyoneI tells father or mother, ‘Whatever supportJ you might have had from me is Corban’K (that is, an offeringL to God), 

Notes on verse 11

H “say” = lego. Related to “speaks evil” in v10. See note E above.
I “anyone” = anthropos. Probably from aner (man, male, husband) + ops (eye, face); {from optanomai (to appear, be seen); perhaps from horao (become, seem, appear)}. This is human, humankind. Used for all genders.
J “support” = opheleo. 15x in NT. From ophelos (help, gain, profit); from ophello (to heap up or increase). This is to help, benefit, do good, or be useful.
K “Corban” = korban. 2x in NT. From Hebrew qorban (offering brought to the altar); from qarab (to come near, offer, make ready). This is a gift or offering to God – something that has been dedicated to God. Offerings made to the temple treasury were dedicated to God and so this word came to be used to refer to the temple treasury as well (as the place that held all these devoted gifts).
L “offering” = doron. 19x in NT. From didomi (to give in a literal or figurative sense). This is gift, offering, sacrifice; emphasizes that the gift is given freely, voluntarily

12 then you no longer permitM doingN anything for a father or mother, 13 thus nullifyingO the wordP of GodQ

Notes on verses 12-13a

M “permit” = aphiemi. From apo (from, away from) + hiemi (to send). This is send away, release, permit, forgive, allow to depart, discharge, or send forth.
N “doing” = poieo. This is to make, do, act, construct, abide, or cause.
O “nullifying” = akuroo. 3x in NT. From a (not, without) + kuros (authority). This is revoke, make void, or cancel.
P “word” = logos. Related to “speaks evil” in v10 & “say” in v11. See note E above.
Q “God” = Theos. From Proto-Indo-European origins, meaning do, put, place. This is God or a god in general.

through your traditionR that you have handed on.S And you do manyT things like this.”

Notes on verse 13b

R “tradition” = paradosis. Related to “offering” in v11. 13x in NT. From paradidomi (literally to hand over – hence to deliver, abandon, or betray. It implies a personal involvement); {from para (from beside, by) + didomi (see note L above)}. This is something handed down or handed over. So, it could be some kind of instruction, ordinance, or tradition. It can be used to refer to the tradition of the elders within Judaism.
S “handed on” = paradidomi. Related to “offering” in v11 & “tradition” in v13. See note R above.
T “many” = polus. This is much, often, plenteous – a large number or a great extent.

Image credit: “Jesus in the Garden of Olives” by Anonymous, circa 1520-1530.