Matthew 21:33-41
Narrative Lectionary 107


33 “ListenA to anotherB parable.C

Notes on verse 33a

A “listen” = akouo. This is hear or listen, but it also means to understand by hearing. This is where the word “acoustics” comes from.
B “another” = allos. This is other, another. Specifically, it is another of a similar kind or type. There is a different word in Greek that speaks of another as a different kind (heteros).
C “parable” = parabole. From paraballo (literally to throw beside, compare, arrive, liken); {from para (by, beside, in the presence of) + ballo (to throw, cast, place, put, drop)}. This is a parable, comparison, adage. Quite often a tale told or a metaphor to establish a point, but it could be a true story.

There was aD landownerE who plantedF a vineyard,G

Notes on verse 33b

D {untranslated} = anthropos. Probably from aner (man, male, husband) + ops (eye, face). This is human, humankind. Used for all genders.
E “landowner” = oikodespotes. 12x in NT. From oikos (house – the building, the household, the family, descendants; the temple) + despotes (lord, master, despot; authority who has unrestricted power and jurisdiction) + posis (husband). This is the master of the house, head of a family, or the householder.
F “planted” = phuteuo. 11x in NT. From phuton (a plant) OR from the base of phuo (to grow, produce, spring up; perhaps from the sense of puff or blow – to swell up; hence, to germinate; to grow literally or figuratively). This is plant or implant. Figuratively, this word is used for Christian teaching.
G “vineyard” = ampelon. From ampelos (vine or grapevine as that which coils around); perhaps from the base of amphoteros (both, all); {from amphi (around) + halon (the threshing floor where grain is rolled to separate from the chaff); {from halos (threshing floor); probably from helisso (to roll up, coil, wrap)}}. This is vineyard. Figuratively, it can be the religious life of the people of Israel or the body of Christ.

put a fenceH aroundI it, dugJ a wine pressK in it, and builtL a watchtower.M

Notes on verse 33c

H “fence” = phragmos. 4x in NT. From phrasso (to stop, fence in, obstruct); perhaps from phren (diaphragm, heart, intellect, understanding; figurative for personal opinion or inner mindset; thought regulating action; sympathy, feelings, cognition); perhaps from phrao (to rein in or curb). This is a fence, barrier, wall, or hedge. It is a fence literally or figuratively.
I “put…around” = peritithemi. 8x in NT. From peri (about, concerning, all around, encompassing) + tithemi (to put, place, set, fix, establish in a literal or figurative sense; properly, this is placing something in a passive or horizontal position). This is to place around i.e. to clothe. Figuratively, it can mean to bestow or to present.
J “dug” = orusso. 3x in NT. This is to dig, burrow, or excavate.
K “wine press” = lenos. 5x in NT. This can refer to the vat where one stomps the grapes or the vat below that were the new wine flows out of the press.
L “built” = oikodomeo. Related to “landowner” in v33. From oikos (see note E above) + domeo (to build). This is to build a house or be a house builder. Figuratively, it can mean to edify or encourage, be strong or embolden.
M “watchtower” = purgos. 4x in NT. This is a tower or other kind of structure that is fortified.

Then he leasedN it to tenantsO and went to another country.P 

Notes on verse 33d

N “leased” = ekdidomi. 4x in NT – all in the Parable of the Wicked Tenants in the synoptic gospels. From ek (from, from out of) + didomi (give, offer, place, bestow, deliver; give in a literal or figurative sense). This is to give up or out. It can also be to lease or rent.
O “tenants” = georgos. 19x in NT. From ge (earth, land, soil, region, country, the inhabitants of an area) + ergon (word, task, action, employment); {from ergo (to work, accomplish) or from erdo (to do)}. This is wine-dresser, farmer, someone who works the land. It is also where the name “George” comes from.
P “went to another country” = apodemeo. 6x in NT. From apodemos (to go abroad, sojourn in a foreign country); {from apo (from, away from) + demos (district, multitude, rabble, assembly; Greeks bound by similar laws or customs); {from deo (to tie, bind, compel, declare unlawful)}}. This is to travel abroad, be away from home. This word shares a root with “democracy” and “Nicodemus.”

34 When the harvestQ timeR had come,S he sentT his slavesU to the tenants to collectV his produce.W 

Notes on verse 34

Q “harvest” = karpos. Perhaps from harpazo (to seize by force, snatch away); from haireo (to choose, take). This is a fruit or vegetable, through sometimes it refers to an animal. Figuratively, it is deeds, results, profits, or gain.
R “time” = kairos. This is season, opportunity, occasion. The word chronos is used for chronological time. Kairos is used for spiritually significant time – the right time or appointed time.
S “come” = eggizo. From eggus (nearby or near in time). This is extremely close by – approaching, at hand, immediately imminent.
T “sent” = apostello. From apo (from, away from) + stello (to send, set, arrange, prepare, gather up); {probably from histemi (to make to stand, stand, place, set up, establish, appoint, stand firm, be steadfast)}. This is to send forth, send away, dismiss, send as a messenger. It implies one that is sent for a particular mission or purpose rather than a quick errand. This is where “apostle” comes from.
U “slaves” = doulos. Related to “went to another country” in v33. Perhaps from deo (see note P above). This is used for a servant or for a slave, enslaved. It refers to someone who belongs to someone else. But, it could be voluntary (choosing to be enslaved to pay off debt) or involuntary (captured in war and enslaved). It is used as a metaphor for serving Christ. Slavery was not inherited (i.e. the children of slaves were not assumed to be slaves) and slaves could buy their way to freedom. Slavery was generally on a contractual basis (that is for the duration of how long it took you to pay your debt and/or save up enough money to buy your freedom).
V “collect” = lambano. It does not refer to passive receiving of something, but active acceptance or taking of something whether it is offered or simply nearby. It focuses on individual decision and action.
W “produce” = karpos. Same as “harvest” in v34. See note Q above.

35 But the tenants seizedX his slaves andY beatZ one, killedAA another, and stonedBB another. 36 Again he sent other slaves, more than the first; and they treated them in the same way. 

37 Finally he sent his son to them, saying, ‘They will respectCC my son.’ 

Notes on verses 35-37

X “seized” = lambano. Same as “collect” in v34. See note V above.
Y {untranslated} = men. This is truly, indeed, even, in fact. Often, it is not translated, but used to emphasize affirmation.
Z “beat” = dero. 15x in NT. To whip, flog, scourge, beat, thrash.
AA “killed” = apokteino. From apo (from, away from) + kteino (to kill). To put to death, kill, slay. Figuratively, this word can mean abolish, destroy, or extinguish.
BB “stoned” = lithoboleo. Related to “parable” in v33. 7x in NT. From lithos (stone literal or figurative; used for Jesus as the cornerstone) + ballo (see note C above). This is to stone i.e. throw stones at to kill.
CC “respect” = entrepo. 9x in NT. From en (in, on, at, by, with) + trepo (to turn; may imply turn with change). This is to turn. It could be to turn to pay rapt attention to, to turn in shame, recoil, or to turn to in respect.

38 But when the tenants sawDD the son, they said to themselves, ‘This is the heir;EE come,FF let us kill him and get his inheritance.’GG 39 So they seized him, threwHH him out of the vineyard, and killed him. 40 Now when the ownerII of the vineyard comes, what will he do to those tenants?” 

Notes on verses 38-40

DD “saw” = horao. To see, perceive, attend to, look upon, experience. Properly, to stare at and so implying clear discernment. This, by extension, would indicate attending to what was seen and learned. This is to see, often with a metaphorical sense. Can include inward spiritual seeing.
EE “heir” = kleronomos. 15x in NT. From kleros (lot, portion, heritage; that share assigned to you; also a lot used to determine something by fate, chance, or divine will); {perhaps from klero (casting a lot) or from klao (to break in pieces as one breaks bread)} + the same as nomos (what is assigned – usage, law, custom, principle; used for the law in general or of God’s law; sometimes used to refer to the first five books of the Bible or the entire Old Testament; also used to refer to theology or the practice and tradition of interpreting and implementing the law of God); {from nemo (to parcel out, assign)}}. This is heir, inheritor, or possessor – whether literal of figurative.
FF “come” = deute. 12x in NT. From deuro (come here, hither, hence, now, until now). This is come, follow – as an exclamatory mood.
GG “inheritance” = kleronomia. Related to “heir” in v38. 14x in NT. From kleronomos (see note EE above). This is inheritance, heritage, or possession.
HH “threw” = ekballo. Related to “parable” in v33 & “stoned” in v35. This is to throw, put out, produce, expel, banish. It is eject in a literal or figurative sense.
II “owner” = kurios. From kuros (authority, supremacy). This is a respectful address meaning master or sir. It refers to one who has control or power greater than one’s own. So, it was also applied to God and Jesus as Master or Lord.

41 They said to him, “He will put those wretchesJJ to a miserableKK death,LL and lease the vineyard to other tenants who will giveMM him the produce at the harvest time.”

Notes on verse 41

JJ “wretches” = kakos. This is bad, evil, harm, ill. It is evil that is part of someone’s core character – intrinsic, rotted, worthless, depraved, causing harm. It refers to deep inner malice that comes from a rotten character. Can be contrasted with the Greek poneros, which is that which bears pain – a focus on the miseries and pains that come with evil. Also contrasting the Greek sapros, which deals with falling away from a previously embodied virtue.
KK “miserable” = kakos. Related to “wretches” in v41. 16x in v41. From kakos (see note JJ above). This is wrongly, badly, cruelly, with bad motives, misery connected to affliction. It can be physically badly or morally badly, i.e. evilly.
LL “death” = apollumi. From apo (from, away from) + ollumi (to destroy or ruin; the loss that comes from a major ruination). This is to destroy, cut off, to perish – perhaps violently. It can also mean to cancel or remove.
MM “give” = apodidomi. Related to “leased” in v33. From apo (from, away from) + didomi (see note N above). This is to give back, return, give away. It is to restore as when one makes payment – to rend what is due, to sell.

Image credit: “Curses against the Pharisees” by James Tissot, between 1886 and 1894.