Psalm 118:14-29
Eastertide C22
14 The LordA is my strengthB and my might;C
he has becomeD my salvation.E
15 There are glad songsF of victoryG in the tentsH of the righteous:I
“The right handJ of the LordK doesL valiantly;M
16 the right hand of the LordN is exalted;O
the right hand of the LordP does valiantly.”
17 I shall not die,Q but I shall live,R
and recountS the deedsT of the Lord.U
18 The LordV has punished me severely,W
but he did not give me overX to death.Y
19 OpenZ to me the gatesAA of righteousness,BB
that I may enterCC through them
and give thanksDD to the Lord.EE
20 This is the gate of the Lord;FF
the righteous shall enter through it.
21 I thank you that you have answeredGG me
and have become my salvation.
22 The stoneHH that the buildersII rejectedJJ
has become the chiefKK cornerstone.LL
23 This is the Lord’sMM doing;
it is marvelousNN in our eyes.OO
24 This is the dayPP that the LordQQ has made;RR
let us rejoiceSS and be gladTT in it.
25 SaveUU us,VV we beseechWW you, O Lord!XX
O Lord,YY we beseech you, give us success!ZZ, AAA
26 Blessed isBBB the one who comesCCC in the nameDDD of the Lord.EEE
We bless you from the houseFFF of the Lord.GGG
27 The LordHHH is God,III
and he has given us light.JJJ
BindKKK the festal processionLLL with branches,MMM
up to the hornsNNN of the altar.OOO
28 You are my God, and I will give thanks to you;
you are my God,PPP I will extolQQQ you.
29 O give thanks to the Lord,RRR for he is good,SSS
for his steadfast loveTTT endures forever.UUU
Image credit: “Return of the Shepherd” by Henri Duhem, late 19th century.