Psalm 66:1-5
Narrative Lectionary 420
To the leader.I A Song. A Psalm.II
1 Make a joyful noiseIII to God,IV all the earth;V
2 singVI the gloryVII of his name;VIII
giveIX to him gloriousX praise.XI
3 Say to God, “How awesome areXII your deeds!XIII
Because of your greatXIV power,XV your enemiesXVI cringeXVII before you.
4 All the earth worshipsXVIII you;
they sing praisesXIX to you,
sing praises to your name.” SelahXX
5 ComeXXI and seeXXII what God has done:XXIII
he is awesomeXXIV in his deedsXXV among mortals.XXVI
Image credit: “A Scene from Exodus – Moses separating the red sea to free Israelites from bondage of Egyptians” by Ramesh Raju, 1997.