History & Transmission of the Lord’s Prayer
Catholics took their Lord’s Prayer from one preferred by Henry the VIII in 1545; Protestants, perhaps, from Martin Bucer from 1539.
Catholics took their Lord’s Prayer from one preferred by Henry the VIII in 1545; Protestants, perhaps, from Martin Bucer from 1539.
Huldrych Zwingli once scandalized Catholic authorities by eating sausages during Lent.
Harriet Tubman’s faith in her own words:
The president of Ukraine talks about how his people speak and live on through their music.
Singing reminds us of where we are with God and where God is with us.
The enormity of the cross meets us wherever we are.
Today’s good old days are yesterday’s bad new days.
Looking for the purpose of life in the body, of physical pain
What does it mean to see salvation as coming through the present moment rather than having happened in the past or something to look forward to in the future?
A legend of faithfulness from the early church: