Jeremiah 20:7-13
“all my close friends are watching for me to stumble”
Proper 7A
June 25, 2023
“all my close friends are watching for me to stumble”
Proper 7A
June 25, 2023
“the creation itself will be set free”
Narrative Lectionary 146
May 28, 2023
“you are my refuge”
Fifth Sunday of Easter A
May 7, 2023
“others were tortured, refusing to accept release, in order to obtain a better resurrection.”
Easter – A Women’s Lectionary
April 9, 2023
“I will see you again, and your hearts will rejoice, and no one will take your joy from you”
“I am the true vine and my Father is the vinegrower”
“many will come in my name and say, ‘I am he!”
“blessed is the womb that bore you and the breasts that nursed you”
“see, I am about to tear the kingdom from the hand of Solomon”
A Women’s Lectionary 51
November 13, 2022
“the days will come when not one stone will be left upon another”
Ordinary C51
November 13, 2022