Deuteronomy 5:12-15
Narrative Lectionary
12 “‘ObserveA the SabbathB dayC and keep it holy,D
as the LordE your GodF commandedG you.
13 SixH days you shall laborI and doJ allK your work.L
14 But the seventhM day is a Sabbath to the Lord your God; you shall not do anyN work—you, or your sonO or your daughter,P
or your maleQ or female slave,R or your oxS or your donkey,T
or any of your livestock,U or the resident alienV in your towns,W so that your male and female slave may restX as well as you.
15 RememberY that you were a slaveZ in the landAA of Egypt,BB
and the Lord your God broughtCC you out from there with a mightyDD handEE
and an outstretchedFF arm;GG thereforeHH the Lord your God commanded you to keepII the Sabbath day.
Image credit: “Paradise” by August Macke and Franz Marc, 1912