Ephesians 5:8-14
Lent A17


For once you were darkness,A but now in the LordB you are light.C LiveD as childrenE of light— 

Notes on verse 8

A “darkness” = skotos. Perhaps from the same as skia (shadow, shade, thick darkness, an outline; properly, the shadow of a looming presence; fig. a spiritual reality good or bad relating to God’s light or spiritual darkness). This word is darkness – physical or moral (sin and its results).
B “Lord” = kurios. From kuros (authority, supremacy). This word is Lord, master, sir – a respectful title for people as well as a title for God. Someone exercising ownership rights.
C “light” = phos. From phao (to shine or make manifest, especially by rays); from the same as phaino (to bring to light, to cause to appear, shine, shed light, become visible, appear, show self as, lighten). This word is light, a source of light, radiance, fire. Refers to light in terms of the results of light being shed – the things that light manifests. Luminousness natural or artificial, abstract or concrete, literal or figurative.
D “live” = peripateo. From peri (about, concerning, around, encompassing) + pateo (to tread, trample on – literal or figurative) [from patos (trodden) OR from paio (to strike, sting, or smite)]. This word is to walk. As a Hebraism, in an ethical sense, they way you conduct your life. Properly, it means to walk around, to go full circle. Figuratively it is how you live and how you occupy your time.
E “children” = teknon. From tikto (to beget, bring forth, produce, yield). This word is a child or descendant, an inhabitant. Also used to refer to someone who is fully dependent on others.

9 for the fruit of the light is found in all that is goodF and rightG and true.H 10 Try to find outI what is pleasingJ to the Lord. 

Notes on verses 9-10

F “good” = agathosune. 4x in NT. From agathos (good; intrinsically good; good in nature; good whether it is seen or not; good in any sense – benefit). Properly, this is intrinsic goodness – a personal quality that emphasizes being kindly or generous. In the list of the fruits of the Spirit (Gal 5), this is generosity.
G “right” = diakiosune. From dikaios (correct, righteous; by impl. innocent; just – especially in the eyes of God; the elect; properly, approved by God, conforming to God’s standard of justice; upright); from dike (right as self-evident, justice – the principle, decision, or its execution; originally custom or usage; process of law, judicial hearing, execution of sentence, punishment, penalty, vengeance, lawsuit); possibly from deiknumi (to show lit or fig, point out, exhibit; met. to teach, demonstrate, make known). This is righteousness and justice.
H “true” = aletheia. From alethes (true to fact, unconcealed, worthy of credit, truthful); literally a (not) + lanthano (unnoticed, concealed). This is not just true as opposed to false. This is the truth of an idea including what reality is, the notion of sincerity, what is morally true, being straightforward. Literally, this word means that which cannot be hidden. For the ancient Greeks, truth was the opposite of illusion.
I “try to find out” = dokimazo. From dokimos (tested, approved; properly, what passes the necessary test, scrutiny; hence, acceptable because genuine, validated, verified; used for proving/testing coins – confirming that they were genuine and not counterfeit or corrupted; properly, acceptable, tried); from dexomai (to receive, welcome, take, accept; properly, to receive in a welcoming way – warmly receptive, appropriate reception; personal element emphasized; used lit or fig); from dokeo (to have an opinion, to seem, think, appear; properly suppose what seems to be; forming an opinion, personal judgment, estimate; reflects personal perspective and values of the person making the subjective judgment call – showing what they esteem or not as an individual; root of the word dogma; be of reputation, think); from dokos (opinion). This word is to put to the test, prove, examine, discern. It is to distinguish things by testing them – to test to show if something is acceptable, real, approved, good, genuine. To test for what is good.
J “pleasing” = euarestos. 9x in NT. From eu (well, good) + aresko (to please with the idea of willing service rendered to others; serve; properly, satisfy – make god on something; winning someone’s favor, affection, approval because meeting their expectation – especially by moral agreement; to be agreeable or by impl. to seek to be so) [from primitive root ar– (fit together)]; OR from airo (to raise, take up, lift, take away, remove; fig to raise the voice, keep in suspense; spec. to sail away; by Hebraism to expiate sin).This word is well-pleasing, acceptable, grateful.

11 Take no partK in the unfruitfulL works of darkness, but instead exposeM them. 12 For it is shamefulN even to mention what such people do secretly;O 

Notes on verses 11-12

K “take…part” = sugkoinoneo. 3x in NT. From sun (with, together with) + koinoneo (to have a share of, communicate, share, contribute, impart, share in, have fellowship with; to share in as an associate/partaker; distribute, partake; share with others objectively or subjectively); [from koinonos (sharer, partner, companion; a participant who mutually belongs and shares fellowship; a joint participant); from koinos (common, shared; Hebraistic use – profane, dirty, unclean, unwashed; a common thing is stripped of its specialness because it is treated as ordinary). This word is to have fellowship with, be a partaker with or accomplice in, to co-participate.
L “unfruitful” = akarpos. Related to “fruit” in v9. From a (not, without) + karpos (fruit, vegetable; figurative for action or result, profit, gain). This word is unfruitful, barren, profitless literally or figuratively.
M “expose” = elegcho. 17x in NT. This word is properly to present convincing, solid evidence especially to expose, prove wrong, rebuke, discipline.
N “shameful” = aischros. 4x in NT. From the same as aischuno (to dishonor, make ashamed, be ashamed, put to shame); from aischos (shame, disgrace, disfigurement). This is disgraceful, improper, filthy, sordid.
O “secretly” = kruphe. 1x in NT. From krupto (to hide, conceal – to hide by covering, keep secret). This word is in secret or privately.

13 but everything exposed by the light becomes visible,P 14 for everything that becomes visible is light.

Therefore it says,
“Sleeper, awake!Q
    Rise from the dead,
and ChristR will shineS on you.”

Notes on verses 13-14

P “becomes visible” = phaneroo. Related to “light” in v8. From phaneros (visible, manifest, apparent, clear, clearly, shining); from phos (light, source of light, radiance; light, especially in terms of its results and what it manifests). This is to make clear, manifest, make known, show. To illuminate, make plain.
Q “awake” = egeiro. To waken, raise up, lift up. Can be to rouse from sleep, get up from sitting or lying down, rise from a disease or from death. Figuratively for rising from obscurity, inactivity, or ruins.
R “Christ” = christos. From chrio (to anoint with olive oil, consecrate). This is the anointed one, the Christ.
S “shine” = epiphausko. 1x in NT. From epi (on, upon, to, against, what is fitting) + phauo (to shine). This word is shine forth, give light to, illuminate.

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