Genesis 15:1-6
Ordinary C37
1 After these thingsI the wordII of the LordIII cameIV to AbramV in a vision,VI
“Do not be afraid,VII Abram, I am your shield;VIII your rewardIX shall be very great.”X
2 But Abram said, “O LordXI God,XII what will you give me, for I continueXIII childless,XIV
and the heirXV of my houseXVI is EliezerXVII of Damascus?”XVIII
3 And Abram said, “XIXYou have given me no offspring,XX and soXXI a slaveXXII born in my house is to be my heir.”XXIII
4 ButXXIV the word of the LordXXV came to him, “This man shall not be your heir; no one but your very ownXXVI issueXXVII shall be your heir.”
5 He broughtXXVIII him outsideXXIX and said, “LookXXX, XXXI
toward heavenXXXII and countXXXIII the stars,XXXIV if you are ableXXXV to count them.” Then he said to him, “So shall your descendantsXXXVI be.”
6 And he believedXXXVII the Lord;XXXVIII and the Lord reckonedXXXIX it to him as righteousness.XL
Image credit: “God Promises Abram” by YoMnistry by John Paul Stanley.