Matthew 6:9-10
Narrative Lectionary 108


“Pray,A then, in this way:

Our FatherB in heaven,C
    may your nameD be revered as holy.E

Notes on verse 9

A “pray” = proseuchomai. From pros (advantageous for, at, toward) + euchomai (to wish, make a request, pray). This is to pray or pray for, to worship or supplicate. It is more literally exchanging one’s own wishes for God’s.
B “Father” = Pater. This is father in a literal or figurative sense. Could be elder, senior, ancestor, originator, or patriarch.
C “heaven” = ouranos. May be related to oros (mountain, hill) with the notion of height. This is the air, the sky, the atmosphere, and heaven. It is the sky that is visible and the spiritual heaven where God dwells. Heaven implies happiness, power, and eternity.
D “name” = onoma. May be from ginosko (know, recognize, learn from firsthand experience). This is a name, authority, cause, character, fame, reputation. The name was thought to include something of the essence of the person so it was not thought to be separate from the person.
E “revered as holy” = hagiazo. From hagios (sacred, holy, set apart, different other; physically pure, morally blameless, or ceremonially set apart); from hagnos (holy, sacred, pure ethically, ritually, or ceremonially; prepared for worship, chaste, unadulterated, pure to the core; undefiled by sin; figurative for innocent, modest, perfect). This is to make holy, consecrate, sanctify, set apart as holy, purify, venerate.

10     May your kingdomF come.G
    May your willH be doneI
        on earthJ as it is in heaven.

Notes on verse 10

F “kingdom” = basileia. From basileus (king, emperor, sovereign); probably from basis (step, hence foot; a pace); from baino (to walk, to go). This is kingdom, rule, authority, sovereignty, royalty, a realm.
G “come” = erchomai. This is to come or go.
H “will” = thelema. From thelo (to desire, wise, will, intend). This is the act of will, choice, purpose, or decree.
I “be done” = ginomai. This is to come into being, to happen, become, be born. It can be to emerge from one state or condition to another or is coming into being with the sense of movement or growth.
J “earth” = ge. This is earth, land, soil, region, country, the inhabitants of an area.

Image credit: “Stained Glass Lord’s Prayer” by Greying_Geezer, 2011.