Psalm 118:19-29
Palm Sunday – A Women’s Lectionary
19 OpenA to me the gatesB of righteousness,C
that I may enterD through them
and give thanksE to the Lord.F
20 This is the gate of the Lord;G
the righteousH shall enter through it.
21 I thankI you that you have answeredJ me
and have becomeK my salvation.L
22 The stoneM that the buildersN rejectedO
has become the chiefP cornerstone.Q
23 This isR the Lord’sS doing;
it is marvelousT in our eyes.U
24 This is the dayV that the LordW has made;X
let us rejoiceY and be gladZ in it.
25 SaveAA us,BB we beseechCC you, O Lord!DD
O Lord,EE we beseech you, give us success!FF, GG
26 Blessed isHH the one who comesII in the nameJJ of the Lord.KK
We bless you from the houseLL of the Lord.MM
27 The LordNN is God,OO
and he has given us light.PP
BindQQ the festal processionRR with branches,SS
up to the hornsTT of the altar.UU
28 You are my God, and I will give thanks to you;
you are my God;VV I will extolWW you.
29 O give thanks to the Lord,XX for he is good,YY
for his steadfast loveZZ endures forever.AAA
Image credit: “Creation” by John Paul Stanley of YoMinistry.